Stop Condemning Your Life With Your Words!


#WinningWisdomWednesday - Stop 🛑 CONDEMNING your life with your WORDS! Beloved we WIN more in life when we apply God’s WISDOM not man’s wisdom!

Matthews 12:37 - for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”

This verse implies that each human will be JUDGED accordingly. That judgment isn’t at the end of times. It’s every single day that you live here on earth.

🤔 How many hours do you spend DAILY speaking passionately and NEGATIVELY to YOURSELF and or OTHERS about your LIFE aka your HEALTH, your BODY, your FUTURE, your SPOUSE or PARTNER, your CHILDREN, your FAMILY, your JOB, your BOSS, etc??   


📝 SILENT or SPOKEN, your WORDS have power! We are not talking about casual conversation. We are speaking of the conversations CHARGED with negative destructive ENERGY EMOTIONS such as complaining, envy, fear, hate, grudges, jealousy, lack, resentment, sadness, unforgiveness, worry etc,

Your WORDS are the product of what’s hidden within and flows from your HEART

The HEART should be guarded at all times because ENERGY of life and death flows from the chambers of the heart.

Positive and negative ENERGY exist and is needed for balance and survival. However, it’s up to each human to learn how to respect and abide by God’s natural laws and principles.

📝 If you are always on the receiving end of someone always speaking passionately negatively about something or someone take heed. It’s ok to be sympathetic but be very careful not to identify with and take on that pain and negative energy.

📝 If you are the consistent complainer of life, know that you are CONDEMNING your life with your consistent NEGATIVE DESTRUCTIVE ENERGY. You will continue to see more to complain about.

 By the WORDS from our HEARTS we are JUDGED daily!

Right here and right now you can turn your life around! You can change the trajectory of your life.




PROMISE to learn to THINK, BELIEVE & SPEAK GOODNESS over your LIFE, your health, marriage, relationships, family, friends, business, employer, coworkers, partnerships etc. 

God is waiting on you to stop condemning your life and instead SPEAK LIFE into your LIFE!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 








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