The Lord is my Shepherd; I SHALL NOT WANT!


#FinancialFreedomFriday - Prime the #MIND for Success Series! Your MINDSET (subconscious thoughts & beliefs) is sabotaging your SUCCESS. The power to change your life is an INSIDE job.

♥️ Psalm 23:1 The Lord is my Shepherd; I SHALL NOT WANT. 

🌟 I shall not want for LOVE

🌟 I shall not want for HEALTH 

🌟 I shall not want for HAPPINESS 

🌟 I shall not want for MONEY 

Our lives can be so different if we live our lives from a MINDSET PERSPECTIVE of PLENTY vs LACK!

😞 A poverty MINDSET equals more lack or poverty in life!

😊 A success MINDSET equals more wins and success in life!

🤔 We want MORE (love, money, success) so why is it so hard to get more?

#MINDSET. A subtotal of subconscious thoughts and beliefs adopted since childhood.

Unless someone PLANTED seeds of greatness, hope, plenty, vision or success into the mind of the child, it’s likely the child will mirror and repeat his or her environment and operate from lack and limiting beliefs.

In addition, #NEGATIVE life experiences or #TRAUMA can lower your once positive mindset around the particular areas of your life.

WE CANT CHANGE THE PAST but we can start today by changing how we THINK, FEEL & BELIEVE about SELF and about LIFE to secure the life we desire and deserve!

📝 Note that you can think POSITIVELY in the area of love but NEGATIVELY in the area of money and vice versa. 

📝 You will have to EVALUATE the areas that are easy for you in life and the areas that have more struggles. The areas of struggle will be where you want to IMPROVE your negative, stinking THINKING & BELIEFS!

📝 Changing the current limiting or negative programming about the area of your life will require DAILY commitment and REPETITION throughout the day. 

💕 Each person must learn to declare the life they seek on several levels - MENTALLY, EMOTIONALLY & SPIRITUALLY before you get it physically! 

Change takes time. You will have to SOW new SEEDS into your subconscious to RENEW the MIND in order to REAP new results!

Don’t give up. Seeds take time to take ROOT & grow!

Make a pledge to God & Self!

💫 You will have to COMMIT to PURPOSELY PRIMING THE MIND by practicing positive, empowering THOUGHTS, AFFIRMATIONS, MENTAL CHATTER and PRAYERS in your mind to change your BELIEFS!

💫 You will have to PURPOSELY FEEL the results of the goals you desire or simply remain in love or gratitude! 

💫 You will have to PURPOSELY build a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with God to remember who & whose you are and to understand your power when aligned with God.

God is waiting on YOU to PRIME YOUR MINDSET (subconscious thoughts & beliefs) for SUCCESS!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 









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