The Magic Pill Called Gratitude!


#ThankfulThursday - The magic pill 💊 called #GRATITUDE!  Gratitude can HEAL your MIND, HEART & BODY. The Bible talks a lot about the importance of gratitude, being thankful and rejoicing because it’s a NATURAL way of CONNECTING to GOD and restoring HEALING!

Proverbs 16:24 - Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the SOUL and HEALING to the body." 

⭐️ Practicing GRATITUDE daily is a MINDFULNESS technique used to soothe your SOUL and restore HEALING in your body! 

⭐️ Practicing GRATITUDE daily is a MINDFULNESS technique used to CONNECT silently and personally with your Spiritual partner, God! 

⭐️ Practicing GRATITUDE daily is a MINDFULNESS technique used to COMMUNICATE to God how thankful and grateful you are for the many blessings and lessons in your life! 

😔 The negative DESTRUCTIVE ENERGY thoughts and feelings of anxiety, fear, hate, lack, sadness, unforgiveness, worry etc produces STRESS and UNBALANCE which produces DISEASES!

😊 The positive CONSTRUCTIVE ENERGY thoughts and feelings of GRATITUDE, love, peace, harmony etc soothes the SOUL, brings BALANCE  which produces HEALING!

The choice is always OURS to choose 

a) Man’s pharmaceutical unnatural methods and practices to create addiction and further health issues OR

b) God’s recommended choice of natural holistic methods and practices to restore BALANCE in our lives!

God is waiting on you to RESTORE BALANCE, LOVE & HEALING in your life by tapping into the natural MINDFULNESS methods and practicing of GRATITUDE in your THOUGHTS & FEELINGS! 

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 








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