What’s Your Super Power?

#SoulfulSunday - What’s Your SUPER POWER and how are you using it to make a difference in this world? We all have a SUPER POWER(s) within us. The power is not just for self or immediate family. It’s also to be used to HEAL the HEARTS and SOULS in the world 🌎 

PUT ON YOUR #CAPE OF AN UPLIFTER TODAY: #Care #Compassion #Encouragement #Giving #Inspiration #Kindness #Love #Mentorship #Service #Support #Teaching

#UPLIFTER: A person dedicated to IMPROVING or ELEVATING the emotional, financial, intellectual, mental, moral, social, spiritual and or wellness experience or perspective of a person, culture or environment!


We don’t think of these characters as a SUPER POWER because it’s not really emphasized as such but know this today that YOU possess a GOD GIVEN SUPER POWER within to not only IMPROVE & ELEVATE your life but for lives in your community and/or around the world!

You don’t have to be ELECTED into a leadership role to use your super power. You just need to possess LOVE, PEACE & HARMONY in your HEART. You can begin to use your SUPER POWER right here, right now in your home, at work and in your community!

Energy Drainers. Be careful of spending too much time with people that are set on complaining and discouraging you about life’s goodness and the importance of your role in life! 

Align yourself with fellow UPLIFTERS aka DESTINY HELPERS and do your part to UPLIFT & HEAL the world one heart πŸ’œ at a time!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 










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