Gratitude Fertilizes The Mind, Body & Soul!


#ThankfulThursday - Gratitude is a FERTILIZER for your MIND, BODY & SOUL. Practicing #GRATITUDE is a NATURAL way of HEALING!

Purposely practicing “GRATITUDE THERAPY” is a natural way to restore balance in your life. It’s a natural way to attract more goodness and peace to follow you!

GRATITUDE THERAPY. It’s a time you CARVE out with GOD to GIVE THANKS and express your GRATITUDE for your life. All of it - the blessings and the lessons!

Practicing GRATITUDE daily fertilizes your #MIND with appreciation of the many blessings upon blessings in your life. Most of those blessings go unnoticed or unappreciated! It also calms the mind from anxiety, fear, worry etc.

Practicing GRATITUDE daily fertilizes your #BODY with calm healing emotions of love, peace and harmony which releases positive constructive energy vs negative energy which in return restores balance in the body and causes HEALING! 

GRATITUDE daily fertilizes your SOUL with forgiveness. It slowly soothes and dim the hurtful memories stored in the heart. It can heal the HOLE in the SOUL. You become a different person because you are no longer holding on to bitterness and unforgiveness. You are becoming more excited about NOW & your FUTURE vs complaining about the past!

God is always waiting on you to do the inner spiritual self development work!

Namaste  🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 











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