Shift Your FOCUS & TRANSFORM Your Life!


#TransformationTuesday💜  - Where FOCUS goes ENERGY flows! When we SHIFT our FOCUS or perspective, work on RENEWING our MINDSET and BELIEFS about SELF & what LIFE has to offer us, we can TRANSFORM our lives!

💕 A shift in FOCUS & BELIEFS can TRANSFORM our goals, health, marriage, relationships, money, career, success etc.


🤔 So how do we SHIFT our FOCUS from LIMITING, NEGATIVE perspective to more EMPOWERINGPOSITIVE perspective or beliefs?  As adults, it will require daily purposeful PRACTICE and REPETITION of NEW, POSITIVE, EMPOWERING thoughts, affirmations, declarations, prayer, mental chatter,  MIXED & STIRRED with forgiveness and gratitude to RELEASE, RENEW and RESTORE new positive BELIEFS aka consciousness!

📝 Life has SIMPLE but yet COMPLEX ways to improve our lives. We are just not taught about the laws of God’s natural laws and principles such as mindfulness, energy, vibration, frequency, cause and effect, nature, etc. 

Ignorance is no excuse to the laws. The laws apply to all humans on earth regardless of age, gender, religion or political affiliation. 

Pray to God to teach you about the natural laws and principles here on earth.

Whether we are aware of the laws or understand how they work does not matter because we are still being judged by them daily positively and negatively accordingly to our subconscious thoughts, beliefs, emotions and words!

The RICH gets richer and the POOR gets poorer based on our INNER SUBCONSCIOUS focus aka MINDSET aka CONSCIOUSNESS.

😃 Focus more on POSITIVE, EMPOWERING thoughts, emotions, images and words about your life and you will see more of that show up! 

😞 Focus more on NEGATIVE, LIMITING thoughts, emotions, images and words about your life and you will see more of that show up! 

We may not know the answer as to why we are more prone to focus on the LACK or NEGATIVE in our lives but know that today’s FOCUS is creating tomorrow’s REALITY!

Guard your THOUGHTS!

Guard your HEART!

Guard your WORDS!

God is waiting on YOU to do the necessary work to SHIFT your focus, RENEW your MINDSET so that you can TRANSFORM your LIFE!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 










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