Stop Chasing Success, Money or Men. Allow Your Blessings To Chase You!


#MotivationMonday - Sis, STOP 🛑 CHASING after SUCCESS, MONEY, MEN etc. Learn to ALLOW the BLESSINGS & what you seek to CHASE you!

Anything that you are running 🏃‍♀️ after will always flee from you! You will find yourself always chasing the next level and the next with no inner satisfaction. 

📝 When you are in ALIGNMENT with love, success, money etc it FLOWS to you! If you are not receiving it you may be out of alignment with your BELIEFS & FAITH 🤔 

💗 AS YOU BELIEVE! As you learn to BELIEVE more HIGHLY & FAVORABLY about SELF, the success, love, money etc it shall be done unto you! The timeframe is up to you doing the inner work! 

PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT GOALS. Learn and PRACTICE personal development maintenance to improve the INNER SELF

📝 Practice Spiritual Development DAILY to GET INTO ALIGNMENT with God and what you seek and CLEANSE negative energy, beliefs, thoughts and habits etc. 

💫 Work on HEALING the inner child! Seek therapy to learn to release trauma memories that are stored in your heart.

💫 Work on FORGIVENESS. Forgiving the past, those that hurt you and self. 

💫 Work on practicing GRATITUDE. Give thanks and praise for the now. Give thanks for your blessings and learning from the lessons. 

💫 PRACTICE a DAILY personal relationship with God and know that God is your Spiritual Partner. Ask God for directions & guidance then get SILENT to hear the answers!

💕 NEXT LEVEL SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT. Your body is an antenna so learn to work on your thoughts, beliefs, emotions & words which sends out LOW or HIGH VIBRATION FREQUENCY ENERGY signals of love or hate, fear or faith, happiness or sadness, positivity or negativity etc which goes forth to retrieve the LIKENESS to come into your life

💫 Work on GUARDING & DEVELOPING your MINDSET (thoughts & beliefs) HEART (feelings & emotions) & SOUL (character).

💫 Work on SELF LOVE ❤️. If you don’t love YOU, you can’t give or receive love properly!

💫 Go into your temple (the MIND) and BE STILL & pray SILENTLY (meditation)!

God is waiting on YOU to do the work!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset  Coach 










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