Understand Your Purpose!


#WinningWednesday - You AWAKEN the SUNLIGHT within when you UNDERSTAND & WALK IN your PURPOSE! Many times we are unhappy in life because we are going against the nature of our PURPOSE.

💫 GOD’s WILL. We were not told that each HUMAN BEING has an order from GOD to fulfill a PURPOSE so we grow up living for SELF and immediate family only. We go along with our very busy lives acquiring levels in society. However at some point we begin to get a nudge from GOD that something is MISSING. If we don’t listen willingly, God has a way to bring us to our knees to listen to why we were sent in the first place.

Until you connect with God personally and listen for the instructions to FIND YOUR PURPOSE you will feel a lack in your soul!

📝 If you feel like something is always missing it may be because you are not fulfilling the calling for your life and walking in your purpose!

📝 If you feel unhappy even though you have everything you could possibly want such as the money, car, home, career etc it may be because you are not walking in your purpose!

💕 It’s time to REMEMBER who you are!

🌟 When you begin to find ways that you can SERVE HUMANITY, the SUNLIGHT in your SOUL will awaken! Your HEART ♥️ will smile 😊. You will be excited about how you can help others! You will appreciate and love life again. You will make time to seek organizations that align with your soul. 

🌟 You think you don’t have much to serve with but whatever you have and wherever you are is where you begin! You don’t have to quit your job, change spouses etc you just need to ADD SERVICE to your life! 


YOUR PURPOSE IS IN YOUR UNIQUE TALENTS. Once you open the DOOR 🚪 to ask God, the answers will come. You may have to discover and develop the talents but it will come easy and natural for you! 

God is always waiting on you! 

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 











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