When was the last time you told HER you LOVED her?


#TransformationTuesday - Transformation begins WITHIN. Sis, when was the last time you told HER you LOVED her? Who? The woman looking back at you in the mirror every day! You spend hours putting on make up and doing your hair every day but how often do you stop to communicate with HER to see how she is doing?

You see sis, it’s up to you to BUILD HER UP! You are the first example. Others will follow your lead. If you tear HER down so will they! 

You sit around waiting for that man to tell HER he loves HER but how often do you tell HER that you love HER!

🌟 ELEVATE HER. Tell HER how amazing and beautiful she is. Tell HER good job for doing a wonderful job of becoming a woman and for the accomplishments. Thank HER for pushing forward despite the trials of the world! Thank HER for being brave during childhood or life traumas. Reassure HER that you have forgiven the past and excited about now & the future. Tell HER it’s time to move forward with the guidance of God’s love & faith!

🌟 APPRECIATE HER. Be kind to HER. Show HER your appreciation with regular self care, relaxation and vacations. Let HER know how special she is to you. Wine and dine HER often. 

🌟 RESPECT HER. Be mindful of what you say to her. Be mindful of how you dress HER. Be mindful of what you fuel ⛽️ HER mind, body & soul with. Be mindful of who you lay HER down with. She is Royal so treat HER like a Queen.

⭐️ LOVE HER. She needs to hear from YOU first that you LOVE HER often. She needs you to show HER you love HER. She needs to feel that you love HER.

God is waiting on you!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 











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