Ask Mentally, Emotionally, Spiritually & You Shall Receive!


#TransformationTuesday❤️ - Beloved, we are told to ASK & We Shall RECEIVE. But do we really know HOW to ask God for what we seek. Are we asking from FEAR or FAITH. 2 different energy will produce 2 different results.

Ask #Mentally, #Emotionally & #Spiritually & You Shall Receive! 

💕 Matthew 22:37 - “Love the Lord your God with all your HEART and with all your SOUL and with all your MIND.”

💕 Matthew 6:33 - But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

💕 Luke 17:21 - “the kingdom of God is WITHIN you.” 

Nothing you seek is outside. 

Jesus continuously gives instructions from God in the Bible as to how to conduct our daily living for an abundant and fulfilling life! We choose to ignore his messages. 

📝 EVERYTHING that we seek to do in life should originate from this trifold approach - MIND, BODY aka HEART & SOUL aka spiritual relationship, because there is a metaphysical, spiritual and energetic recipe interaction that happens with this combination that we don’t know understand. However ignorance is no excuse to these laws and principles. All


First of all let’s learn to ASK aka PRAY with THANKSGIVING for the UNSEEN with FAITH.

🌟 Ask God for what you SEEK with your MIND (thoughts, mental chatter, imagination etc)

🌟 Ask God for what you SEEK with your EMOTIONS (feelings via the HEART)

🌟 Ask God for what you SEEK with your SOUL (a personal relationship with God to develop the character)

 😃 All 3 areas are needed for optimal communication effectiveness! 

God is waiting on YOU to follow his instructions to GO WITHIN to seek his Kingdom!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 












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