Gratitude is Your Love Language With God!


#GratitudeAttitude is the LOVE 💗 LANGUAGE with GOD! It should not be something you do only once a week or when in need. It’s the way you communicate to God, Divine Intelligence, Creator of the Universe, throughout the day 24x7 that you are THANKFUL and GRATEFUL 😇 for the many blessings in your life and the lessons you learned along the way! 

We are told to LOVE God with our Mind, Body & Soul because God the Creator, created both energy - (positive) life & (negative) death. Messengers were sent on how to navigate and use this power but we ignore this focus. You see like a battery 🪫 Positive and negative is needed for life to exist. 

💜 Having a GRATITUDE 🙏🏽 ATTITUDE is #THINKING & #FEELING Blessed, Fortunate, Grateful, Honored, Thankful etc

💜 Having a GRATITUDE 🙏🏽 ATTITUDE is being able to APPRECIATE family, friends, finance, partnerships, relationships, community etc 

💜 Having a GRATITUDE 🙏🏽 ATTITUDE is understanding that the people and situations came to give you lessons to get you to the next level. Did you learn the lessons?

📝 We live in a metaphysical world and we are surrounded by ENERGY - positive creative and negative destructive. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand or care because you are signaling either positive or negative energy all day every day. 

📝 When you are bargaining, begging or pleading with God for something you want or need, you are aligning more with #doubt, #fear, #worry etc which can be more aligned with negative destructive energy. 

💫 Being in an GRATITUDE 🙏🏽 ATTITUDE signals the highest positive creative energy which is LOVE 💕. It’s giving THANKS & PRAISE for the UNSEEN blessings! It’s showing FAITH during the trials and tribulations.

It’s your PERSONAL love ❤️ language with God.

God is waiting on YOU to communicate with him with a LOVE ❤️ LANGUAGE of GRATITUDE!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 












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