6 Tips To Play The Game of Life!


The GAME OF LIFE 🏵has rules of engagement. Most of us are in the game without any knowledge of the rules so we keep getting knocked 🥊down and scoring losses upon losses. 

Here are 6 tips to playing the game to solve the puzzle 🧩 to live an abundant 🏅& fulfilling life!


1)🌟 EACH DAY PUT ON THE ARMOR⚔️ OF GOD WITH PRAYER 🙏🏽 OF THANKSGIVING! As you open your eyes each morning, begin PRAYING with THANKSGIVING in your mind for good health and all the amazing, beautiful people, things and opportunities in your life! It’s important to give thanks and celebrate the unseen vs worrying and complaining about your unseen desires.

2)🌟 SPEND TIME SILENTLY WITH GOD ☀️TO INCREASE YOUR FAITH & UNDERSTAND YOUR PARTNERSHIP! Throughout the day it’s important to BE STILL and get your 2 min Vitamin G (God) therapy into your thoughts, heart and soul. Silently repeat affirmations or Bible verses that soothe your soul and give you strength! Understand that your participation is needed on earth and God is your Spiritual Partner to navigate this earth. Connect more with Mother Nature.

3)🌟 BE AWARE OF YOUR SPIRITUAL, ELECTRICAL & MAGNETIC 🧲 ENERGY SELF & GUARD YOUR MIND & HEART! You may not have any idea that you are an energetic magnetic spiritual being living in a magnetic world and that the consistent subconscious thoughts and emotions (positive and negative) goes forth and does not return void. Ignorance is no excuse to violating God’s laws and principles.


Start your day and maintain a consciousness of always expecting the best and always being protected by God. If you focus consistently on negative then more negative will follow so think on good things! Purposely practice gratitude and forgiveness daily! Journaling is a good way to do so. 

 🌟 RENEW THE MIND, HEART 💜 & SOUL DAILY! Change cannot happen if the corrupt mindset is not renewed. You can change spouse, country, state, city etc. You will always follow you. This is your personal work to be done. This will need daily commitment and application of affirmations, listening to positive & empowering information about who & whose you are! Once the MIND is renewed the emotions, beliefs, words, actions, habits etc will follow. Then you have the responsibility of GUARDING your entry points (eyes, ears, mouth).

🌟 BE A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE FRUIT 🍎 OF THE SPIRIT! Each day you should be a REPRESENTATIVE of God. Walking in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

God is always waiting on you to make the next move Beloved. God is the Coach and you are the player. God will not play the game for you.

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 
















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