Are you a Wise or Unwise Thought Manager?
#MotivationMonday - Beloved, You are a Part of the Problem & Solution in Your Life! How you ask? You are the THINKER & MANAGER of your THOUGHTS in your reality show called LIFE aka you are the CO-CREATOR in your life. God is the Creator.
Are you a WISE or UNWISE Thought Manager?
From your #THOUGHTS (positive & negative) (conscious & unconscious) like a river ๐ FLOW the beliefs, emotions, words, habits & actions and inactions to match.
๐ James 3:10 – From the same mouth come blessing and cursing.
YOU are the MANAGER of your THOUGHTS! However our oppressive society at large has hidden this truth from you. They have twisted the true relationship and partnership between you and God.
They purposely instilled doubt, fear, hate, worry to all but especially unworthiness to the BLACK RACE to fuel ⛽️ their thoughts from childhood via oppression. This keeps individuals depressed, fearful, hateful, in lack, in sadness & sickness, stressed, in poverty and in wretchedness which makes for big business!
Our outer life is a REFLECTION & mirrors our current “subconscious” BELIEFS & FAITH about the individual areas in our lives aka our CONSCIOUSNESS about who we are!
๐ A WISE THOUGHT MANAGER will review and assess areas of concern and get to work to IMPROVE the limited, negative, stinking thinking that limits & blocks the success in the areas of his / her life!
He or she is AWARE of God’s metaphysical laws and principles and the responsibility associated and so captures his or her own thoughts and practice RIGHT THINKING as instructed in the Bible for a more abundant and fulfilling life!
๐ An UNWISE THOUGHT MANAGER will NOT review and assess areas of concern OR get to work to IMPROVE the limited, negative, stinking thinking that limits the success in the areas of his / her life!
He or she is IGNORANT of God’s metaphysical laws and principles and the responsibility associated so will continue causing havoc and misfortune in his or her own life via WRONG THINKING!
Do you know we can be good people with WRONG thinking ๐ค about our business, career, children, health, marriage, money, relationships etc.
As the THOUGHT MANAGER only YOU can do the work to RENEW the mindset! ๐ Have daily conversations with God to renew the corrupt, limited mindset AND practice thinking on good things for your life! ๐
๐ God is waiting on YOU to be a WISE MANAGER of your THOUGHTS so you can live and abundant and fulfilling life!
Namaste ๐๐ฝ
Donna Morton Morgan
Spiritual Self Development
& Mastermind Coach
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