MENTAL SINS such as fear, hate, worry etc manifest into physical problems!

Beloved, our MENTAL SINS play a role and is a culprit behind our emotional, health, financial and physical PROBLEMS! 😳 If we are BALANCED or UNBALANCED mentally in a particular area (Health, Love, Money etc) our life results will MIRROR & REFLECT accordingly!

💕 God says we are perfectly made in his image. God says we are Conquerors. God also gave us dominion to rule the earth. 

God knew we would be under attack. He created the universe and the laws that governs it. He sent messengers to tell us how to navigate the battles. The Bible instructs us in many ways how to navigate the mental battles!

🤔 When we think of ourselves as less than we are going against God. What is a mental sin? A habitual limited, negative MINDSET (thoughts, beliefs & emotions) such as #complaining, #envy, #fear, #grudge, #hate, #jealousy, #lack, #resentment, #unforgiveness, #unworthiness, #worry etc.

📝 The MIND is the first place of attack and it’s an area that is usually left wide open and unguarded. Our BATTLES of life will be fought in the MIND first! The person armed with a stronger, positive, empowering mindset and attitude will always come out better in life than the unarmed person with a limited, negative, disempowering weak mindset. It’s not personal it’s LAW.

When God’s MENTAL LAWS are violated we wander in DRY PLACES more often and for longer periods! We block the very blessings and opportunities that is stored up for us! We sabotage the opportunities and remain blind to opportunities! 

We only hear about physical sins such as adultery, murder, stealing etc, but it’s important to understand that before anything takes form in the PHYSICAL in our lives it first takes form MENTALLY in our mind!

😳 Most of the day we are unconsciously participating in thousands of NEGATIVE, LIMITED, STINKING THINKING and EMOTIONS aka mental sins about ourselves, health, career, money, relationships etc that blocks and/or hinders the reality that we deserve and desire! 

😳 Because we are not taught about these LAWS that governs this earth we unfortunately create more havoc in our lives unknowingly.

💫 Because IT IS DONE UNTO YOU AS YOU BELIEVE it’s critical to assess our MINDSET, learn to protect and CAPTURE thoughts that don’t serve us and RENEW the MIND daily to release the STRONGHOLDS so that we can live a more abundant and fulfilling life as promised!

📝 The ENEMY comes to rob, steal and destroy our lives so each individual must be ARMED with God’s WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING about his governing energetic MENTAL laws & principles to fight the mental & physical battles of life! 

⭐️ GUARD your thoughts & hearts!

⭐️ EXPECT goodness & mercy to follow you!

⭐️ THINK & BELIEVE on GOOD things!

⭐️ Increase your FAITH in your PARTNERSHIP with God!

God is waiting on you to remember who & whose you are! 

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 














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