Take Time to REFUEL Your Mind, Heart & Soul Daily!


#WinningWednesday - We WIN 🏆 when we understand that as SPIRITUAL beings living in a electro magnetic 🧲 world 🌎 we need to REFUEL⛽️ our MIND, HEART & SOUL daily. 

🤔 When was the last time you took 5 mins throughout your day to be in appreciation of life? You say you don’t have time. God has a way of taking things from us to ensure we make time when we walk in complaining and ungratefulness.

😠 Do you go through your day complaining about the responsibility of life? If yes you are disrespecting God on so many levels.

Society teaches us to focus on the physical aspect of life but very little on the spiritual aspect of living. We focus on fueling the body at least 3 times per day, exercising the body even making lavish expensive procedures for the body BUT still walk in anxiety, depression, sadness, worry etc.

😞 Why is that? We have minimized the importance of the other aspects of the SPIRIT

📝 When the MIND, HEART & SOUL are UNDER NOURISHED or OUT OF BALANCE 😔 it reflects in our personal lives, business, career, health, relationships and of course attitude towards ourselves and others.

😔 You think your snappy or negative attitude is due to lack of sex or maybe not having a partner but BELOVED its LACK of SELF LOVE, lack of FAITH, lack of GRATITUDE for life, lack of FORGIVENESS, its a lack of releasing negative destructive trauma emotions, it’s a lack of connection with your SPIRITUAL PARTNER - God Almighty and a lack of connection with Mother Nature. 

If you are IMPORTANT to yourself YOU will make time to:

REFUEL your MIND with positive THOUGHTS.



God is waiting on you to make time to REFUEL and get into alignment with his love 💕 

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 
















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