The Kingdom of God is Within You!


#WinningMindsetWednesday - Beloved, we WIN πŸ† in life when the fog is lifted after we seek God’s truth vs man’s truth. 

πŸ’œ God’s wisdom, knowledge and understanding will reveal to you that the SOURCE of all we seek is WITHIN and you must first SEEK the Kingdom within to discover the blessings, opportunities and possibilities for you!

❤️ Behold, the KINGDOM of HEAVEN is WITHIN YOU (kjv) Luke 17:21

πŸ€” You have forgotten that as an offspring of God Almighty, Infinite Intelligence, you are EQUIPPED with powerful qualities of MIND, SPEECH & FREE WILL to bless and direct your path! 

😞 You currently walk in COMPLAINING, DOUBT, ENVY, FEAR, HATE, JEALOUSY, LACK, WORRY etc regarding certain areas because you are unaware of who and whose you are! You are unaware that you are an heir to the most high. 

😞 You don’t truly BELIEVE that you are WORTHY & DESERVING of receiving PLENTY due to childhood or society programming, trauma or negative life experiences.

😞 Because you don’t know who and whose you are your MIND is saturated with disempowering, negative, limited THOUGHTS & BELIEFS which creates negative destructive EMOTIONS which further causes LACK, LIMITATIONS and or SICKNESSES to follow you vs goodness and mercy. 

🌟 Only you can do the INNER SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT & MINDFULNESS Work (mind, body & soul) to improve and WIN in life!

🌟 Only “YOU” can show up daily to THINK on good things, BELIEVE that you are in partnership with God, RENEW your corrupt MIND, Guard your HEART, SPEAK Life, Be STILL in PRAYER, MEDITATE on his words and INCREASE your FAITH so you will not continue to wander in the desert🌡 but instead be able to unlock doors and water  πŸ’¦ dry places in your life!

πŸ’• God is waiting on you to do the necessary inner work to seek and find the storehouse of your blessings!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 














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