Be a “DOER” πŸ’• of the Word not just a “HEARER” of the Word!


#SoulfulSunday - Be a “DOER” πŸ’• of the Word not just a “HEARER” of the Word! We have gotten too LAZY to do God’s work and it reflects in our LONGER TIMEFRAME wandering in the wilderness. We want the pastors to do all the work for us (to HEAR & DO) God’s words for us. 

🧐 We think that if we show up weekly to church to sing, dance and shout etc that God will see this religious act alone and reward us! 😞 Meanwhile the rest of the week WE live in a wretched limited, negative thought consciousness about OUR life!

FYI Church fellowship is a wonderful & beautiful experience but DONT FORGET that there is also INNER SPIRITUAL work to be done on your own DAILY!

Honey child we only got some of the pieces of the puzzle 🧩 

πŸ’œ Let me tell you that each person on this earth must do their own daily SPIRITUAL INNER CONSCIOUSNESS work to seek & find God’s Kingdom which is WITHIN. You don’t just roll up on God’s Kingdom. You truly have to be in search via your alignment with the Mindset of Christ for God’s wisdom and truth not man’s limited truth to be revealed! 

🚨 We HEAR God’s Words but we DO NOT PRACTICE God’s words! Too many of us are deceiving ourselves because we get caught up in the honoring of man’s RULES of various religions and we completely ignore the personal RELATIONSHIP with God and the instructions to lift ourselves out of bondage. We have a ROLE to play in this metaphysical, magnetic 🧲 energetic game called life

πŸ’« The INSTRUCTIONS from various messengers in the Bible including Jesus is not just to be read and shout about. Its to be PRACTICED if we want to see LASTING POSITIVE changes in our lives!

πŸ“– James 1:22 - “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.”

πŸ“– And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?” Luke 6:45-46 

🌟 We HEAR to LOVE GOD with our HEART, MIND & SOUL but we DO NOT practice spending time to BE STILL in GRATITUDE (a high positive energy consciousness) with God to do this! Instead we communicate with God from a low negative energy consciousness of fear, doubt, lack and worry which keeps us  sabotaging our lives, wandering in the wilderness of life longer and eventually sickness in our mind, body & soul.

🌟 We HEAR to LOVE our NEIGHBORS AS OUR SELVES but we instead we practice HATE which we see rampant in our communities and social media platforms!

🌟 We HEAR that IT IS DONE UNTO YOU AS YOU BELIEVE but we do not practice raising and expanding our beliefs about our SELF CONCEPT, our WORTH and what we DESERVE which affects how we show up to RECEIVE from God so we remain in disheartenment, lack, sadness and stress! 

🌟 We HEAR for BY YOUR WORDS you will be JUSTIFIED, and by your WORDS you will be CONDEMNED but we do not practice SPEAKING LIFE over our situations instead we CURSE our life, our children’s lives, our marriage, relationships, health, career, business etc by our own conscious & subconscious thoughts, beliefs, words and convictions!

🌟 We HEAR for TO RENEW THE CORRUPT MIND but we again don’t take the time to add daily affirmations and new empowering declarations to elevate our CONSCIOUSNESS and change the limited stinking program that we adopted from our family, environment, society etc. so we REMAIN BLIND TO GOD’s PLANS & BLESSINGS! 

 πŸŒŸ We HEAR to be A FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT showing love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness & self control but most of the time many are unable to keep this representation outside past 10 mins of waking up


🚨 Father God there are so many more examples to show that we are simply walking in RELIGION but not RELATIONSHIP with you and HEARING but “NOT DOING” your word! 

πŸ™πŸ½ I pray that the FOG is lifted from our MIND and that our SPIRITUAL EYES are open to REMEMBER WHO & WHOSE WE ARE so that we are able to ACCEPT your ABUNDANT & FULFILLING PLANS for our lives!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 

















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