Be Still & Know I AM God!

 BE STILL and Know That I AM God! 💗 TAP into ➡️ GOD’s PRESENCE DAILY via the #SILENCE! If this one verse is PRACTICED daily we can SHIFT our awareness, consciousness and our relationship with God which as a RIPPLE effect will SHIFT & HEAL our #lives, our #health, #marriages #relationships, #businesses, #careers, #money etc and transform our planet! 

📖 Psalm 46:10 - He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;

💜 We must begin to TRULY understand that the SPIRIT of GOD is WITHIN therefore God’s PRESENCE is always with us 24x7 but we must learn to acknowledge the presence WITHIN and learn how to get into ALIGNMENT with God via the silence aka meditation!

🚨 We don’t have to go into a designated building or wait for a designated day to feel God’s presence. We don’t have to wait for a person with certain qualifications to speak to God on our behalf. We simply have to UNDERSTAND and PRACTICE how to BE STILL aka GO INTO THE SILENCE! 

📝 Prayer is talking to God. SILENCE or MEDITATION is HEARING from God! 2 different approach.

😞 We mostly don’t hear from God because WE NEVER SHUT UP. We are always complaining or begging God for something. 

FYI, everything has its PROPER way of EFFECTIVENESS of ACTIVATION!

 ⚡️ Electricity is in our homes but until we FLIP the switch the house will remain DARK even if we followed all of our religious routines, cried out to God, tithe, serve in the church etc. 

😞 We will continue to WANDER unnecessarily in the WILDERNESS of our problems, BLOCK and SABOTAGE our success and remain longer in DRY PLACES until we COME OUT OF THE FOG & learn to COMMUNICATE EFFECTIVELY with God to ACTIVATE his love, blessings and mercy!

 🧩 🔑 THE SILENCE ACTIVATES OUR COMMUNICATION & RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. God wants a RELATIONSHIP with us. We should not think of God as a Genie 🧞‍♀️ always asking for STUFF. Just like a parent, the BLESSINGS 💍 💰 ✈️ will come as the RELATIONSHIP ❤️ builds and the RESPECT 🙏🏽 is offered up! It’s a process that many will not endure as we seek the quick fixes in life! This practice will weed out those that truly want a relationship with God vs just wanting stuff from God!

🌟 The SILENCE is how we PERSONALLY communicate and build a RELATIONSHIP with your Creator, God Almighty! 

🌟 The SILENCE gives us access to God’s WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING to guide our life!

🌟 The SILENCE gives us a positive creative ENERGY that can soothe and HEAL our MIND, BODY & SOUL!

💕 God is always waiting for you to TAP into his PRESENCE to ACTIVATE his GOODNESS & MERCY to FLOW to and through you! 

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 


















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