Stop Telling Yourself LIES About Your Life!


#WinningWednesday - Beloved Stop 🛑 Throwing Away Your CONFIDENCE🌟 Stop Telling Yourself Lies About Who & Whose You Are! 🌟 You are WORTHY of All God’s Goodness & Greatness! 🌟 You DESERVE the Very Best in Life!

📝 BIBLE VERSE. Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised.” – Hebrews 10:35–36

🚨 YOU ARE A SPIRITUAL ENERGETIC BEING. Understand that your CONSCIOUSNESS aka SELF CONCEPT about SELF is the level where your blessings will FLOW from! A LOW consciousness in a particular area will SABOTAGE all your efforts! 

If your consciousness aka self concept of yourself, health, life, marriage, business etc is #LOW 😞 in any particular area then your life experiences will mirror more of that! 

If your consciousness aka self concept of yourself, health, life, marriage, business etc is #HIGH 😃 in any particular area then your life experiences will mirror more of that! 

This is not personal. It’s God’s governing laws and principles on this 🌍 

📝 😳 Doing this work is SIMPLE but NOT EASY as you have LEARNED this low self concept from childhood or even a traumatic time in your life. Nonetheless, you must NOW do the DAILY work to UNLEARN THE LIMITATION & RENEW THE MIND! It’s like learning a NEW LANGUAGE!

🔨 This is a DAILY commitment and application of God’s wisdom and truth so that you can live a more abundant and fulfilling life. This is not a get rich quick scheme. 

🙌🏽 😃 Working on SELF is the best thing you could do for  your LIFE! Only YOU can do the INNER work to raise up ⬆️ the LOW LEVEL CONSCIOUSNESS, lift the FOG and weed out the COBWEBS such as anxiety, complaining, depression, doubt, fear, low self concept, sadness, worry etc that is holding YOU back from seeing and seizing the blessings you seek! You are BLIND to those blessings until you do the inner work! 


🌟 Put on the NEW MAN. LOVE god with your MIND, BODY & SOUL. Incorporate daily AFFIRMATIONS, MEDITATION & PRAYER to add the NEW LANGUAGE to raise up 🔝 your consciousness & mindset. Ask God’s for his TRUTH to be revealed to you!

God is waiting on You to do the INNER WORK to level up ⬆️ your consciousness and RAISE your CONFIDENCE about your health, marriage, children, money, career, future etc! 

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 

















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