The Sabbath is not just a DAY it’s a TIMEFRAME to connect with God daily!


The Sabbath is not just a DAY it’s a TIMEFRAME to connect with God daily! WHAT IS THE INTENTION OF THE SABBATH? Rest and Reflection with God.  #BeStill & know I AM God. #GratitudeMeditation is #SilencewithGod

πŸ™πŸ½ If we had MORE mediation time with God and less religious routines we would see greater changes in our personal lives and the world!

My take away is that God’s message has always been and will always be to “BE STILL & CONNECT” with him which represents a TIMEFRAME to spend time throughout the day vs 1 day. 

πŸ˜ƒ God’s Plans. To Prosper & Heal!

😞 Man’s Plans. Limit God’s Plans!

πŸ“– Mark 2:27-28:

Jesus said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath. 28. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.”

😊 Jesus told us that the 1st important commandment for the creator is to Love God with our #Mind, #Heart & #Soul. That is what MEDITATION is about. However many religions STEER their congregation from meditation on purpose. Why?

πŸ€• Sickness and Sadness is BIG BUSINESS even in the church. 

Let’s compare the 2 concepts 

πŸ“ Concept A. Gratitude Meditation - taking time to acknowledge and love GOD mentally, emotionally and spiritually daily.

πŸ“ Concept B. Traditional Sabbath - carry on as usual throughout the week, refrain from work or business on a particular day, reserve a day to attend church and acknowledge God. 

🚨 We focus so much on RELIGIOUS practices and a personal relationship with the pastor vs a personal RELATIONSHIP with GOD so we completely MISS THE MARK of the INTENTION behind the sabbath therefore the other 6 days we walk in ANXIETY, FEAR, HATE, LACK, WORRY etc which results in a high number of SADNESS & SICKNESS in the church.

πŸ˜† This MEDITATION timeframe of connection is for OUR BEST INTEREST so that we can HEAR the directions and guidance from our Creator. It is also in meditation that we raise our CONSCIOUSNESS, feel LOVE & GRATITUDE which are positive, HEALING vibrational energy which has a RIPPLE EFFECT of compassion, love, kindness etc. 


Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mastermind Coach 

















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