Transformation Comes Through The Renewal Of The Mind!


Beloveds TRANSFORMATION comes through the RENEWAL of the MIND!!! πŸ’« RENEWAL of the MIND must happen To ELEVATE your FAITH, your GOALS, your PERSPECTIVE & your SELF WORTH! 

🚨 There is no way around going through the INNER SELF DEVELOPMENT process to get to ➡️ transformation. You can be SAVED but not HEALED ❤️‍🩹 or TRANSFORMED and your life will reflect it! 

πŸ“ When we PRACTICE & FOLLOW the teachings of Christ and not just HEAR them we will slowly but surely come out of the #emotional, #financial, #mental BONDAGE that has been contributing to the LACK of good health, wealth and happiness!

🧐 You see we stay in DRY 🌡 PLACES longer because we are NOT OBEDIENT & REFUSE to do the necessary INNER work to PURGE the CORRUPT and LIMITED MINDSET & BELIEFS that we may have learned and adopted from childhood, family, religion, society, our environment and life traumas. 

🌟 LOW LEVELS of dominant, consistent conscious and unconscious thoughts, beliefs & emotions etc creates our LIMITED awareness, consciousness and perspective aka a LIMITED LIFE! We are leaving blessings upon blessings on the table!

🌟 To RAISE the LEVEL of our awareness, consciousness and perspective we MUST UNLEARN & RENEW aka CLEANSING 🧽 of the Mind, Heart & Soul. 

πŸ§ΏπŸ› #TheRenewalProcess: Begin by 1st SEEKING THE KINGDOM OF GOD and his RIGHTEOUSNESS shall follow. Build a personal relationship with God, your Creator. Respect his metaphysical LAWS 🧲 and principles. PRACTICE loving πŸ₯° God with your MIND, HEART & SOUL. Go into the SILENCE, BE STILL, express GRATITUDE πŸ™πŸ½, ask for FORGIVENESS, THINK good things, IMAGINE good things, SPEAK πŸ—£ good things and BE a FRUIT 🍎 of the SPIRIT

πŸ’• God is waiting on YOU to do the daily INNER SELF DEVELOPMENT work to TRANSFORM your life! 

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 







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