
Showing posts from December, 2022

Spiritual Forgiveness Cleanse

  #SpiritualForgivenessCleanse - It’s important to do the CLEANSE of FORGIVENESS on behalf of # self, our #parents, #spouse, previous #sexual partners etc to GET RID of any #negative spiritual # ENERGY that # BLOCK or # SABOTAGE us to enable us to live an abundant and fulfilling life!  💕 I suggest starting a FORGIVENESS & GRATITUDE journal 📔 in 2023! 🚨 WRITING ✍🏿 is a wonderful HOLISTIC way to transfer negative energy to ➡️ positive! We can’t get rid of Energy ⚡️ but we can transmute 🔁 it from negative (fear, hate, envy etc)  to positive (love, faith, peace etc) OR vise versa.  We are creative spiritual beings and we are creating 24x7. Isn’t it better to know how to create wisely 😃 vs foolishly 😢.  🚨 This is not just for our own BLOCKS or HEALING but if your CHILD is suffering from addiction, block, sabotage etc you can break GENERATIONAL CURSES by this spiritual holistic method.  🛠Clean up 🧼 that energy! 💕 start a forgiveness jo...

God Is Waiting On You To Put On His Protection!

  GOD is waiting on YOU to PUT on his ARMOR of PROTECTION . As we close out 2022, I hope that you have learned the SIGNIFICANCE of why each person must PARTICIPATE daily in their own SPIRITUAL SELF-DEVELOPMENT growth for their own # protection, #health, #wealth and #happiness in life! 📕 Ephesians 6:10 Finally, be STRONG in the Lord and in his mighty power 💫 Increased FAITH, STRENGTH, PROTECTION, BLESSINGS, GOODNESS, MERCY, WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING etc is a byproduct of being in ALIGNMENT with your Spiritual Partner, God. 📕 Ephesians 6:11 - Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil’s schemes. 🌟 The ARMOR of GOD is a SPIRITUAL ARMOR ! It is not the traditional physical battle gear to fight our daily spiritual battles. 🌟 When we take time DAILY and throughout the day to BE STILL in # prayer and #meditation, silently LOVING God with our Mind, Heart & Soul we are PUTTING on God’s ARMOR .  🌟 Thi...

DESIRE is Needed to Maintain Your Marriage, Business, Relationships etc!

 #ThePowerofDESIRE - Beloved, 🌟 If there is no DESIRE in your HEART about your Health, Marriage, Business, Relationships, Projects etc aka GOD cannot fulfill your PLANS about them!  💫 GOD KNOWS YOUR HEART aka ENERGY ! Where there is NO DESIRE there is NO FULFILLMENT ! You must do the SPIRITUAL SELF DEVELOPMENT work to RENEW your DESIRE LEVEL if you want CHANGE ! Only ➡️ YOU can do the work to RENEW the desire! 💗 DESIRE is mislabeled as lust or negative. Desire is a STRONG ENERGETIC EMOTION of INTEREST! It does not have to be sexual. You can have a high DESIRE for health, wealth and happiness for life and intimacy for relationships!  🌻 DESIRE is a GOD GIVEN creative ENERGETIC emotional fuel ⛽️ that must PRESENT to SUSTAIN or RENEW your Health, Marriage, Business, Relationships, Projects etc. 📕 Psalm 20:4 - May he grant you your heart's DESIRE and fulfill all your PLANS! 🌟 DESIRE is a natural CREATIVE ENERGY power that can be found in our hearts whic...

Your WINS 🏆 & LOSSES depend on your WIFI⚡️aka ALIGNMENT with God!

  #WinningWisdom - Your # WINS 🏆 & # LOSSES depend on your # WIFI ⚡️ # CONNECTION or # ALIGNMENT with God’s governing laws and principles!  You # WIN 🏆 More When You Are Continuously # CONNECTED or # ALIGNED With The WIFI of Your Creator!  You # LOSE More When You Are # DISCONNECTED or # OUT OF ALIGNMENT from the WIFI of Your Creator! 🌰 This is the NUTSHELL of life and God’s metaphysical energetic governing laws and principles . Each person can choose 2 LEARN or NOT 2 LEARN more about these laws and how our positive and or negative conscious and subconscious THOUGHTS, BELIEFS, EMOTIONS, IMAGINATION, WORDS interact constructively and destructively. 🧲 Time to REMEMBER who and whose you are and know the other GOVERNING laws of God they have HIDDEN from you. Whatever trials or tribulations you are going through right now is because YOU are DISRESPECTING one of God’s metaphysical laws. Until you learn to RESPECT that law it it will repeat 🔁  ⚡️...

Your Limited BELIEFS are Holding Your Mountains In Place!

  #TransformationTalk #LevelUPYourBeliefs #LearntoMoveYourMountains - Beloved, your LACK of BELIEF about what YOU deserve in life is holding your MOUNTAINS in place! Until YOU do the spiritual self development work they will remain in place. Your Creator & Spiritual Partner has sent messengers to tell you how but NO ONE one can move your MOUNTAINS without YOUR participation! 🚨 The Truth is BRUTAL but if we want CHANGE , GROWTH & TRANSFORMATION we must go to the ROOT of our problems to identify the Cause & Effect of our life results. What MOUNTAINS or BONDAGES are in your way? Poor Health, Unhealthy Marriage, Unhealthy Relationships, Lack & Limited Finance, Lack of Love, Lack of Self Love & Self Respect, Depression, Sadness, Unhealthy Habits & Addictions etc  🌻 How your MINDSET & LIMITED BELIEFS holds you CAPTIVE . You LEARNED a negative language about YOURSELF & LIMITED expectations of life. You are still operating subconsciously ...

The Blessings & Curses of God’s Metaphysical Laws!

  #MotivationMonday #KemeticScience #LawsofourANCESTORS #HiddenTruth #BlessingsFollowsAlignmentwithLaw & #CursesFollowUnAlignmentwithLaw - Beloved, BLESSINGS will CHASE YOU when you are IN ALIGNMENT with GOD’s LAWS & PRINCIPLES that GOVERNS this earth and CURSES will CHASE you when you are OUT of ALIGNMENT with God’s Laws and principles! It’s not personal it’s Law! 📕 Deuteronomy 28:2 - And all these BLESSINGS shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the LORD  your God: 📕 15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee: 🚨 There are certain set of GOVERNING LAWS that have been # PURPOSELY HIDDEN and shared with only a select group. These LAWS truly GOVERN our blessings and curses here on earth and RESPOND with our personal #Energy #Vibration a...

YOU are NOT CHANGED untIl UNTIL your NATURE is changed!

  Beloved,  YOU are NOT CHANGED untIl UNTIL your NATURE is changed !  YOU may even be very RELIGIOUS but still NOT CHANGED until you have put on your NEW NATURE !   🚨  God wants you to PRACTICE putting on your NEW NATURE to have more WINS 🥇 vs LOSSES in LIFE.  📕 Colossians 3:10 - Put on your NEW NATURE and be RENEWED as you LEARN to KNOW your Creator and BECOME like him. 🚨 When you begin to PRACTICE vs just HEARING the instructions of the CREATOR you will GAIN the WISDOM, KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING on how to put on your NEW NATURE thus you will have more WINS 😃 vs LOSSES 😢!  🧿🛠Putting on your NEW NATURE is a PROCESS of ACTION steps. You are EXPECTED to PARTICIPATE in your SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT growth and journey!  📝 It’s not the job of the pastor to BELIEVE and build FAITH for your life. Its your RESPONSIBILITY as a child of God! The pastor’s role is to TEACH YOU how to PUT ON A NEW NATURE not to be dependent on any t...

Transformation Begins With Forgiving Your Past!

Beloved, TRANSFORMATION begins with FORGIVING your PAST ! We may have moved on physically in life but best believe we are CARRYING years of negative LIFE TRAUMA EMOTIONS and MEMORIES in our HEART and MIND that BLOCKS or SABOTAGE our SUCCESS today!  📕 Ephesians 4:31 - Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. 🚨 Many of us continue to be disobedient and not do the SPIRITUAL SELF DEVELOPMENT work to RELEASE the pent up bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, malice etc so we WANDER in the WILDERNESS & DRY PLACES longer.  🚨 Each person is responsible and will be JUDGED accordingly to his / her own use of #thoughts, #beliefs, #emotions, #words and #actions - positive  😃 and or negative 😢! 😔 You are simply DECEIVING yourself if you are  not taking the time to FORGIVE yourself and your past! 🙏🏽Yes Beloved, FORGIVENESS is a PROCESS of RENEWING the MIND , the HEART and the SOU...

Learn 2 LEVEL UP Your Faith To Bring The Unseen To Seen!

   #LevelUpYourFaith - Beloved, FAITH has levels and it’s up to YOU to learn to PRACTICE seeing the LIFE you want IF you want to bring it up 🆙 from the level of UNSEEN to SEEN !  📕 Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 🚨 # NEWSFLASH ABOUT INCREASING FAITH . Faith comes by repetition of HEARING and BELIEVING !  ⚒🌼 BELIEVING comes through PRACTICE via hearing, thinking, seeing, feeling, speaking and writing!  🌼 Life can be the most amazing experience if we LEARN & RESPECT God’s governing rules and principles in his KINGDOM called earth! 😃 Because we are CHILDREN of God, Heirs to the Throne and have his DNA 🧬 We are BLESSED with bits and pieces of his spiritual creative power.  😔 The problem is that WE FORGOT this knowledge because man INTENTIONALLY MISLED us. Until we do the INNER SPIRITUAL SELF DEVELOPMENT work to REMEMBER who and whose we are we will continue to WALK in BON...


  💫 Beloved, God is waiting on YOU! When WE do the Inner SPIRITUAL SELF DEVELOPMENT work as commanded WE make better CHOICES that affects our # HEALTH, #FINANCES, #RELATIONSHIPS aka #HAPPINESS! 📕 The GREATEST 2 commandments:  Matthew 22:37-38 - 37 - Love God with Your Heart, Soul & Mind; 38. Love your neighbor as yourself. 😞 Our poor CHOICES about the # FOOD 🍱 or # DRINKS we consume daily and the # NEGATIVE emotions we carry contributes to our poor & failing # HEALTH ! 😞 Our poor CHOICES about # MONEY, #CREDIT, #BUDGET, SPENDING or poor FINANCIAL decisions contributes to our poor # FINANCIAL situation! 😞 Our poor CHOICES of choosing our mates based on # LOOKS, #STATUS, #MONEY etc and not on # SOUL #CHARACTER etc contribute to poor # RELATIONSHIPS !  🏵🚨 💢Life responds to the Law of CAUSE & EFFECTS 🔁therefore our consistent poor, negative, limited stinking THINKING, BELIEFS & CHOICES aka consciousness is the CAUSE that contribute to th...

Level UP Your Consciousness to RECEIVE God’s Prosperous & Successful Plans!

  #StopRejectingGodsProsperousPlans - Beloved, learn to LEVEL UP ⬆️ Your CONSCIOUSNESS so that you can Stop 🛑 REJECTING God’s Prosperous & Successful Plans For Your Life!! Consciousness never lies. You are in life where your CONSCIOUSNESS level is!  📕 Joshua 1:8 - Keep this Book of the Law ALWAYS on your LIPS ; MEDITATE on it DAY and NIGHT, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be PROSPEROUS and SUCCESSFUL . 💜 God’s PLANS to PROSPER us is already in place but we keep REJECTING it because we LACK the CAPACITY to RECEIVE it due to our limited consciousness and we are fed Man’s NEGATIVE MARKETING that lack, sadness and sickness is our destination here on earth! The DEVIL is a liar!  This verse is another SUGGESTION & REMINDER of how to attain what God already has in store for us! 🟧 Our CONSCIOUSNESS has LEVELS like a thermostat. Some individuals have their thermostat set at LOW  ⬇️ some at HIGH 🆙 and of cou...

RENEWING The MIND Can Break Generational Curses!

  #WisdomWednesday #BreakGenerationalCurses - Beloved, #RENEWING Your #MIND ☀️ 🧠 daily can  #BREAK Generational Curses of #ADDICTION, #DISEASES & #POVERTY! 😞 #ACorruptMind - When YOU THINK & BELIEVE #POORLY about SELF you will make  POOR decisions & choices about FOOD, HABITS, MONEY, CAREER, FRIENDSHIP, RELATIONSHIPS etc. 😃 #ARenewedMind - When you THINK & BELIEVE #HIGHLY about SELF you will make  BETTER decisions and choices about FOOD, HABITS, MONEY, CAREER, FRIENDSHIP, RELATIONSHIPS etc. 📕 Colossians 3:10 ESV - And have put on the NEW SELF, which is being RENEWED in KNOWLEDGE after the image of its creator. 🚨 How can you BREAK GENERATIONAL CURSES 😢 🤕 😵‍💫😳😫😱 you ask? By learning NEW EMPOWERING KNOWLEDGE of SELF 😇😍😁🤩😌🥰 💪🏽YOU and only YOU must do the INNER SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT work to RENEW aka 🧽 UNLEARN, CLEANSE, DETOX  the CORRUPT knowledge you heard and adopted as TRUE about you!! 🌼The BIBLE tells us we are not a NEW MAN...


  💫 💫 #WalkinObedience for a #FABULOUS life - Beloved, FABULOUSNESS is the side effects of a COMMITTED & DISCIPLINED MIND to go through the SPIRITUAL SELF DEVELOPMENT journey! 🚨 ⚒ Everyone wants to be FABULOUS & PROSPEROUS in the different areas of their lives but not everyone is willing to be OBEDIENT and do the necessary SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT GROWTH work to get there!  📕 Deuteronomy 5:33 - Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess. 🏵🌻💕 When we are OBEDIENT to God’s SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT GUIDANCE we live and prosper in all areas of our lives and we live a healthy and long life. 🌻When we OBEY God’s #1 guidance to SEEK him & #LOVE him with our #MIND, #HEART & #SOUL we do the work for INNER HEALING, GROWTH and FORGIVENESS! 🌻When we OBEY God’s guidance to #RENEW the corrupt #MIND, only then will we be able to #DETOX the limited, negative, stin...


  #ThankfulThursday💞💞💞 - Beloved, be # OBEDIENT and practice # GRATITUDE daily to HEAL the HOLE in the # SOUL ! So many people are walking around with carried past emotional GRUDGES, HURT & TRAUMA in their cells and heart from 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 plus years. 💗🌺🌼 practicing GRATITUDE is a NATURAL & HOLISTIC mindfulness & wellness process!  📕  Proverbs 17:22 - A joyful HEART   💜  is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones. 🚨  The instructions to live an abundant and fulfilling life has been set before us for thousands of years. We read about them but we DO NOT practice them.  😳🥺 Because we are DISOBEDIENT and REFUSE to HONOR these spiritual instructions our # BROKEN SPIRIT dries up our LIFE with LACK, SADNESS & SICKNESS and keep us in the WILDERNESS for 40 years +. 😎🤩 When we learn to OBEY & RESPECT the CREATOR’s governing laws and PRACTICE the BYLAWS of his KINGDOM then we will be able to REAP...

Your MIND Is The WOMB that Births Your Goals & Dreams!

  #YourMINDistheWOMB #BirthYourDreams - Beloved we have more WINS 🏵 in life when we understand that our #MIND is the #WOMB that we must use to #BIRTH our GOALS and DREAMS!  🎬We live and are CREATING ✨& PARTICIPATING in an ENERGETIC ⚡️METAPHYSICAL world 🪐with rules and principles we just don’t understand but we are participating and creating nonetheless. 🚨 As Spiritual Beings it’s natural that we have SPIRITUAL CREATIVE powers via our thoughts, emotions and words! Our Father, Almighty God, Infinite Intelligence, Divine Creator, equipped us this way as have dominion!  🚨 We have to understand that we are impregnating and nourishing our MINDS 24x7 with either positive or negative seeds that will grow and eventually be BIRTH as babies of WINS or LOSSES.  🌼Creation happens 2x - mentally and physically. It’s your ROLE as a Child of God, Spiritual Being and Co-Creator of your life to learn and understand the creative process of BIRTHING your goals and dreams! ...

God is Waiting On YOU To RENEW your MIND!

  #TransformationTuesday ❤️- Beloved GOD is waiting on “ YOU ” to # RENEW Your “ MIND ” so that you can # TRANSFORM Your Life and experience his good, pleasing and perfect will. 💢💢💢 TRANSFORMATION of your LIFE is a process of RENEWING your corrupt MIND about WHO and WHOSE you are and UNLEARNING the limited, negative programming and expectations of life to RE-LEARN & SHIFT to limitless and positive programming and expectations of your life! 📕 Romans 12:2 - Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be TRANSFORMED by the RENEWING of your MIND. Then you will be able to TEST and APPROVE what GOD’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. 📝 We HEAR God’s words but unfortunately we don’t PRACTICE God’s words!  🤔 How are you RENEWING your MIND daily about your HEALTH , your MARRIAGE , your CAREER , your CHILDREN , your RELATIONSHIPS , your FINANCE , your SUCCESS and your FUTURE ? Or are you just waiting for #miracles to come to you without personal a...

Let Your Light Shine Bright & Bold!

  #LetYourLightShine - Beloved don’t DIM your light because it’s too BRIGHT for some! Let Your LIGHT SHINE . Represent your Father PROUDLY & BOLDLY . We LOVE & GLORIFY our Father by being a bright LIGHT   💡  in someone else’s dark times and by doing GOOD DEEDS!  It’s the right of each person’s spiritual journey to raise their level of CONSCIOUSNESS to BELIEVE & RECEIVE that they are a light!  Matthew 5:16 - “let your LIGHT   💡  shine before others, that they may see your GOOD DEEDS    and GLORIFY your FATHER in Heaven” 📝  We are not here on this EARTH   🌍  just to live our best life and attain titles and things. We are not here to glorify ourselves. We are here to GLORIFY God.  Because of your OBEDIENCE to SEEK GOD you were CHOSEN to be a LIGHT to those going through darkness.  💜  God is pleased when we do GOOD DEEDS and REPRESENT him as children of light!  🚨  As you are made ...

I AM Perfect, Whole & Complete!

  #DNAofGod #HigherConsciousness  - Beloved, you have the # DNA 🧬 of the CREATOR so why do you walk in doubt, lack and worry ? Because you hear God’s words but you don’t PRACTICE or BELIEVE God’s words.  📖 Genesis 1:26 - Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 💫 You have adopted the LIES aka negative thoughts, beliefs, perception that you are helpless, limited and unworthy!  💫 It’s time to cast out the spells and BREAK UP and REJECT  the lies about who and whose you are and adopt the truth that you are an HEIR of the most high God , Infinite Intelligence therefore you are PERFECT, WHOLE & COMPLETE ! You are a TREASURE here on earth. Yes. You are ROYAL . It’s time to RECLAIM God’s TRUTH and your DOMINION !  📝 Here is a daily MAN...

Stop MISUSING Your Spiritual Creative Powers!

  #TruthTellingThursday - Beloved, Stop 🛑 DECLARING LACK & SICKNESS for your life! 💫 Start DECLARING GOODNESS & MERCY For Your Life? DECREEING & DECLARING  is a form of using your SPIRITUAL CREATIVE POWERS and can be used  positively and or negatively .  Stop 🛑  MISUSING your Spiritual Creative Powers! 🌟 The SPIRITUAL CREATIVE POWERS that our Creator, God Almighty has equipped us with for GOOD to BLESS and PROSPER our life MUST be handled with WISDOM & UNDERSTANDING or else we will unintentionally use it for BAD and SABOTAGE and DESTROY our life!  🌟 God’s Truth, Wisdom & Understanding of his governing laws and principles has been covered up on purpose to keep the majority oppressed in lack and sickness . You can choose to IGNORE it or EMBRACE it.  🌟 It’s now our responsibility to learn that as a Child of God and a SPIRITUAL BEING we possess SPIRITUAL CREATIVE POWER 💥. Understand that like ELECTRICITY ⚡️ this power...