Spiritual Forgiveness Cleanse
#SpiritualForgivenessCleanse - It’s important to do the CLEANSE of FORGIVENESS on behalf of # self, our #parents, #spouse, previous #sexual partners etc to GET RID of any #negative spiritual # ENERGY that # BLOCK or # SABOTAGE us to enable us to live an abundant and fulfilling life! 💕 I suggest starting a FORGIVENESS & GRATITUDE journal 📔 in 2023! 🚨 WRITING ✍🏿 is a wonderful HOLISTIC way to transfer negative energy to ➡️ positive! We can’t get rid of Energy ⚡️ but we can transmute 🔁 it from negative (fear, hate, envy etc) to positive (love, faith, peace etc) OR vise versa. We are creative spiritual beings and we are creating 24x7. Isn’t it better to know how to create wisely 😃 vs foolishly 😢. 🚨 This is not just for our own BLOCKS or HEALING but if your CHILD is suffering from addiction, block, sabotage etc you can break GENERATIONAL CURSES by this spiritual holistic method. 🛠Clean up 🧼 that energy! 💕 start a forgiveness jo...