Your Limited BELIEFS are Holding Your Mountains In Place!
#TransformationTalk #LevelUPYourBeliefs #LearntoMoveYourMountains - Beloved, your LACK of BELIEF about what YOU deserve in life is holding your MOUNTAINS in place! Until YOU do the spiritual self development work they will remain in place. Your Creator & Spiritual Partner has sent messengers to tell you how but NO ONE one can move your MOUNTAINS without YOUR participation!
🚨 The Truth is BRUTAL but if we want CHANGE, GROWTH & TRANSFORMATION we must go to the ROOT of our problems to identify the Cause & Effect of our life results. What MOUNTAINS or BONDAGES are in your way? Poor Health, Unhealthy Marriage, Unhealthy Relationships, Lack & Limited Finance, Lack of Love, Lack of Self Love & Self Respect, Depression, Sadness, Unhealthy Habits & Addictions etc
🌻 How your MINDSET & LIMITED BELIEFS holds you CAPTIVE. You LEARNED a negative language about YOURSELF & LIMITED expectations of life. You are still operating subconsciously from that limited program.Now if you want BETTER or MORE you must learn a new positive LANGUAGE about to LEVEL UP your BELIEFS.
💫 LACK of BELIEF that you are a CHILD of GOD is holding your MOUNTAINS in place!
💫 LACK of BELIEF that despite what you have been through you are WORTHY of God’s Goodness & Mercy is holding your MOUNTAINS in place!
💫 LACK of BELIEF and UNDERSTANDING that daily you are PARTICIPATING in BLESSING & CURSING your life via your creative spiritual senses (thoughts, beliefs, emotions, imagination, words) is holding your MOUNTAINS in place!
💫 LACK of BELIEF & UNDERSTANDING that your GOD DNA 🧬 gives you the ability to have dominion and authority to co-create your life is holding your MOUNTAINS in place!
🚨 Everything comes back to YOU beloved. Your Creator has already EQUIPPED you magnificently with MIND & FREE WILL to learn and practice his teachings vs just hearing them!
🔐 Until we do the spiritual self development work (affirmations, declarations, meditation, imagination, mirror talk, self encouragement etc along with prayer) to #UNLEARN the limited, negative programming learned from childhood to #RELEARN a new unlimiting, positive empowering program then each new year will simply be a repeat!
💜 Yes, God has been WAITING ON YOU to level up your BELIEFS & UNDERSTANDING about who and whose you are so you can MOVE the MOUNTAINS in your life!
Namaste 🙏🏽
Donna Morton Morgan
Spiritual Self Development
& Mindset Coach
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