DESIRE is Needed to Maintain Your Marriage, Business, Relationships etc!

 #ThePowerofDESIRE - Beloved, 🌟 If there is no DESIRE in your HEART about your Health, Marriage, Business, Relationships, Projects etc aka GOD cannot fulfill your PLANS about them! 

💫 GOD KNOWS YOUR HEART aka ENERGY! Where there is NO DESIRE there is NO FULFILLMENT! You must do the SPIRITUAL SELF DEVELOPMENT work to RENEW your DESIRE LEVEL if you want CHANGE! Only ➡️ YOU can do the work to RENEW the desire!

💗 DESIRE is mislabeled as lust or negative. Desire is a STRONG ENERGETIC EMOTION of INTEREST! It does not have to be sexual. You can have a high DESIRE for health, wealth and happiness for life and intimacy for relationships! 

🌻 DESIRE is a GOD GIVEN creative ENERGETIC emotional fuel ⛽️ that must PRESENT to SUSTAIN or RENEW your Health, Marriage, Business, Relationships, Projects etc.

📕 Psalm 20:4 - May he grant you your heart's DESIRE and fulfill all your PLANS!

🌟 DESIRE is a natural CREATIVE ENERGY power that can be found in our hearts which can be used to fuel⛽️ our life POSITIVELY for peace, purpose & passion OR fuel ⛽️ our life NEGATIVELY for pain, plots or pillages! This power is always in action so must be used WISELY! 

🌻 DESIRE is the energetic fuel ⛽️ feeling that ATTRACTED you and keeps you being EXCITED about your health, marriage, relationships, business, projects etc.

🌟 Like electricity ⚡️ the energy of DESIRE can be used CONSTRUCTIVELY or DESTRUCTIVELY! Desire has LEVELS ranging from low ⬇️ to high ⬆️.

🚨 When your LEVEL of DESIRE aka INTEREST drops regarding any area of your life it mirrors how you show up in your daily life regarding that specific area. Note that you can have a high ⬆️ level of desire in one area and low ⬇️ level in another area! Those involved in those areas will notice the drop in energy levels also!

💕 DESIRE Fuel ⛽️ levels can DIP at times due to life’s trials and tribulations but when it DIPS too low it’s very HARD to raise it so it’s important to keep the GAUGE LEVELS medium to high. 

🙏🏽 Keeping your own GAUGE LEVEL high is your own RESPONSIBILITY and work. I suggest you do daily activities and mindfulness to REMIND you of the wonderful things about the specific areas to keep the gauge level up 🆙 

📝 Some individuals don’t care or don’t know how to MAINTAIN a HIGH level of DESIRE for long periods which can cause confusion and quarrel in relationships or projects! Some thrive on the rush of the NEWNESS only thus constantly creating NEW relationships, projects etc that fall off soon 🔜 as a repeat cycle!

🚨 We are told a lot of NEGATIVE things about desire but without DESIRE we would live a boring, unfulfilled or flat life even if love is present! 

💫 God is waiting on you to STIR UP your creative levels of DESIRE and use it for good! 💕 

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 







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