Level UP Your Consciousness to RECEIVE God’s Prosperous & Successful Plans!


#StopRejectingGodsProsperousPlans - Beloved, learn to LEVEL UP ⬆️ Your CONSCIOUSNESS so that you can Stop πŸ›‘ REJECTING God’s Prosperous & Successful Plans For Your Life!!

Consciousness never lies. You are in life where your CONSCIOUSNESS level is! 

πŸ“• Joshua 1:8 - Keep this Book of the Law ALWAYS on your LIPS; MEDITATE on it DAY and NIGHT, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be PROSPEROUS and SUCCESSFUL.

πŸ’œ God’s PLANS to PROSPER us is already in place but we keep REJECTING it because we LACK the CAPACITY to RECEIVE it due to our limited consciousness and we are fed Man’s NEGATIVE MARKETING that lack, sadness and sickness is our destination here on earth! The DEVIL is a liar! 

This verse is another SUGGESTION & REMINDER of how to attain what God already has in store for us!

🟧 Our CONSCIOUSNESS has LEVELS like a thermostat. Some individuals have their thermostat set at LOW ⬇️ some at HIGH πŸ†™ and of course some are somewhere in between.

🎨 We build and develop our CONSCIOUSNESS during childhood, environment, trauma and adult experiences. This accumulation of events and circumstances become the LEVEL that we grow up to OPERATE from.

😞 So now as ADULTS we want better but keep getting roadblocks etc. We do all the religious activities to try to please God but still we remain in the wilderness for long periods of time. We REFUSE to do the INNER SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT work so we bring SICKNESS & SADNESS to our lives!

🚨 FYI CHANGE happens only when our NEGATIVE or LIMITED CONSCIOUSNESS aka the OLD MINDSET aka subconscious beliefs and perspective about SELF and what LIFE has to offer is RENEWED to REFLECT a NEW MINDSET! 

πŸ€” We must UNDERSTAND that CONSCIOUSNESS, like a THERMOSTAT is not bias on your gender, age, religion, heritage etc. If we want the temperature to change in our home we must get up and CHANGE the SETTINGS. 

Praying and fasting for the thermostat aka consciousness to change on it’s own will not make it change. Physical applications, shifting or tuning is necessary. 


#MEDITATE aka carve out “Me Time” to BE STILL when you practice leveling up your consciousness! 

🏡Practice via the gates of your soul or senses - hearing, reading, writing and speaking positive empowering AFFIRMATIONS, DECLARATIONS or SCRIPTURES often!

🏡 Practice LOVING God with your Mind (thoughts), Heart (feelings) & Soul (character) often! 

🏡 Practice IMAGINING a better future for yourself, family and friends often!

🏡 Practice writing and creating a VISION BOARD of the life you desire and review often! 

🏡 Practice ENCOURAGING yourself for the daily commitment and dedication often to seeking God’s prosperous plans for you!

🚨🚨 If your upbringing was heavy on LACK, LIMITATION & UNWORTHINESS you have DAILY inner SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT mindfulness work to do to RENEW the corrupt MINDSET & ELEVATE your CONSCIOUSNESS so that you can stop πŸ›‘ rejecting the blessings! 

If your upbringing was mostly positive and empowering you have a better chance of RECEIVING God’s blessings. 

Consciousness never lies. You are in life where your CONSCIOUSNESS level is! 

God is waiting on YOU to take the steps necessary to Level πŸ†™ your thermostat aka consciousness to ALIGN with his prosperous and successful plans for you!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 







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