Beware of the MALNOURISHED Mind & Soul!


#WinningWisdom #FueltheMindBodySoul #AncientWisdom ☀️ Beware of the MALNOURISHED MIND & SOUL. Beloved, you FOCUS primarily on the BODY but Your MIND, BODY & SOUL Needs To Be FED daily! You FEED your BODY at least 3x day but why have you FORSAKEN feeding your MIND & SOUL

πŸ“• Luke 11:3 - Give us each day our daily bread

🌻 Fueling ⛽️ The Mind, Body & Soul. These 3 aspects of our life are EQUALLY important in different ways. When any one area is MALNOURISHED there are serious physical & spiritual consequences as a result.

🚨 Heaven and or Hell can be your REALITY right here on earth based on your NOURISHED or MALNOURISHED MIND & SOUL!

🌻 OPTIMAL health of the mind, body or soul requires intentional maintenance!

πŸ˜” If we are experiencing consistent BLOCKS, CONFUSION, DELAYS, LACK, LIMITATION, SABOTAGE etc it’s because we are MALNOURISHED in the MIND.

πŸ˜” If we are exhibiting consistent COMPLAINING, FEAR, HATE, JEALOUSY, SADNESS, SICKNESS, UNFORGIVENESS & WORRY etc in our HEARTS it’s because we are MALNOURISHED in the SOUL.

✴️ The principle of correspondence. The OUTSIDE world is always a REFLECTION of our INNER world! “As above, so below; as below, so above." As within, so without” —The Kybalion

πŸ’’The bread 🍞 is a symbol for NUTRITION.

🚨 The #BODY responds NEGATIVELY when there is LACK of nutrients to fuel it properly.

🚨 The #MIND responds NEGATIVELY when there is LACK of nutrients to fuel it properly.

🚨 The #SOUL responds  NEGATIVELY when there is LACK of nutrients to fuel it properly.

☀️ It’s up to YOU to carve out time daily to FUEL your MIND and SOUL as you do your body. Life will SHOW UP differently for you when you are BALANCED and NOURISHED in all 3 areas.

πŸ™πŸ½ God is waiting on YOU to practice his words and LOVE him daily with your mind, heart and soul so that you may NOURISH these areas!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 







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