Cleanse Your Heart 2 Restore Your Health!


#ThursdayThoughts #WordsofWisdom - Beloved, Cleanse Your #HEART ♥️ of Anger, Bitterness, Envy, Fear, Grudges, Hate, Jealousy, Unforgiveness, Worry etc to RESTORE your HEALTH!

📕 Proverbs 14:30 - A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. 

☀️The Bible in many ways tells us how IMPORTANT it is to GUARD & CLEANSE the HEART

🌻 The HEART ❤️ plays more major roles that we know. The heart is not just to keep you alive PHYSICALLY but also to keep you aligned SPIRITUALLY!! 

♥️ The HEART stores memories of your past TRAUMA, SADNESS and HAPPINESS and represent your ENERGY LEVEL as LOW to ➡️ HIGH vibrational frequency! 

😃 HIGHER energy frequency levels will mirror as better results, experiences or flow in LIFE especially for your HEALTH!

😞 LOWER frequency levels will mirror as poorer results or experiences in LIFE especially for your HEALTH!

♥️ The HEART is an ENERGY CENTER aka chakra in the body that can be BLOCKED with too much negative emotions! 

♥️ The HEART is to be guarded and protected because it is the WELLSPRING for your life! 

💛 ❤️ When the HEART experiences consistent love, joy, peace, harmony, gratitude, excitement, faith etc your energy level representation is HIGH POSITIVE VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY

❤️‍🩹 When the HEART experiences a FAILED RELATIONSHIP aka BROKEN HEART your energy level representation is LOW NEGATIVE VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY

❤️‍🩹 When the HEART experiences “consistent” Anger, Bitterness, Envy, Fear, Grudges, Hate, Jealousy, Unforgiveness, Worry etc your energy level representation is LOW NEGATIVE VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY! 

⚡️ Our VIBRATIONAL FREQUENCY is very important as our ANCESTORS say that this is how we as SPIRIT beings COMMUNICATE with God our Creator.  Since God works through us, it’s critical for us to be in ALIGNMENT with HIGH POSITIVE VIBRATION constructive energy vs LOW NEGATIVE destructive energy! 

🚨 This is another example of why it’s important to represent as FRUITS of the SPIRIT! God has been trying to direct us on how to live an abundant and fulfilling life since the beginning of time! 

💜 We may not understand fully how and why the state & conditions of the HEART affects our lives but trust and believe that your HEART CONDITION is critical to your HEALTH, WEALTH, WELLNESS & BLESSINGS! 

God is waiting on you to GUARD & CLEANSE 🧽 your heart so that the blessings of your health and wellness can flow easily and effortlessly to you!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 







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