God is Examining Your Heart & Mind Daily!


#ThoughtfulnThankful #AncientWisdom - Beloved, your HEART & MIND is being EXAMINED by GOD, Creator of the Universe, Infinite Intelligence, every single day, 24x7. Do not be deceived. EXAMINATION & JUDGEMENT of the Heart & Mind is happening DAILY, not in the future and you are experiencing the CONSEQUENCES of these positive and or negative findings that God finds within!

📕 Psalms 26:2 - Test me, LORD, and try me, examine my HEART and my MIND;

🌻 Self Evaluation: What do think that God FINDS when he evaluates your HEART & MIND throughout the day?🧐 

😃 Will God find #POSITIVE VIBRATIONAL ENERGY in your HEART such as love, forgiveness, harmony, happiness, hope, peace, faith, earnest expectation, etc mixed with THOUGHTS of creativity, plenty, goodness and overflow. 


😞 Will God find #NEGATIVE aka LOW VIBRATIONAL ENERGY in your HEART such as complaining, anger, envy, doubt, fear, grudge, guilt, jealousy, sadness, shame, strife, unforgiveness, vengeance etc mixed with THOUGHTS of lack and limitation. 

🌻 Your responsibility as an Ambassador of God is to ALIGN with the fruits of the SPIRIT. This is a critical and important SPIRITUAL journey that requires daily mindfulness for spiritual self development growth to CLEANSE the HEART and RENEW the MIND.

Your rewards and blessings are held hostage by corrupt heart and mind!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 







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