Protect Your ENERGY From Hijackers!


#MindfulMonday #NextLevelKnowledge - #Energyiscontagious GOOD & BAD! Don’t let people HIJACK your ENERGY! PROTECT Yourself from Rotten Apples. Like the one rotten apple 🍎 rule, negative ENERGY⚡️ aka VIBEZ from one person in a RELATIONSHIP can CORRUPT 😢 the entire relationship! This is for any RELATIONSHIP - marriage, romantic relationships, family,  friendship, projects, business partnerships etc

📕 1 Corinthians 15:33 - “bad company corrupts good character.”

Be careful not to TAKE ON people’s energy or LOW or NEGATIVE VIBEZ!

☀️ Lots of good people went to JAIL or LOST everything due to NEGATIVE ENERGY INFLUENCE from a friend or partner so don’t sleep on the power of energy transfer. They can’t even tell WHY they did the foolishness because they don’t know their energy was hijacked! 

🚨 We may NEVER understand why it’s easier for a ROTTEN APPLE 🍎 to affect the rest of the fruits or why the good apples can’t keep the rotten apples healthy! We do understand that with the Rule of NATURE, the rotten apple 🍏 must be removed from the area to protect the contamination of the rest of the fruits!

🚨 First thing is we must understand that ENERGY ⚡️ (positive and negative) is REAL, POWERFUL & CONTAGIOUS. 

😞 WE ALL HAVE WORK TO DO so don’t be too quick to judge others. In addition, NEGATIVE energy is not just extreme bad behaviors. It can be identified as simple CHARACTER traits such “excessive” BITTERNESS, COMPLAINING, DEPRESSION, DOUBT, ENVY, FEAR, HOPELESSNESS, GRUDGE, JEALOUSY, JUDGING, UNFORGIVENESS, WORRY etc and usually represent a LACK of HEALING in a particular area of life.

🚨 However, consistent NEGATIVE energy can take a STRONGHOLD ➡️ SPREAD and CORRUPT the other person, marriage, family, relationship, partnership etc if the other person is not  STRONG in KNOWLEDGE & WISDOM about how to PROTECT their own energy!

🌟 If you identify any of these behaviors in any CLOSE relationships or in SELF it doesn’t mean you immediately jump out of the relationship or beat yourself up. Just KNOW that the NEGATIVE traits aka ENERGY can be transferred to you IF you are not in PROTECTION mode aka GUARD your THOUGHTS & HEART. 

💫 ITS IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND that ENERGY cant be broken but it can be transmuted or converted 🔂 from NEGATIVE ➡️ to POSITIVE

🌻 If you are involved in your own daily SPIRITUAL SELF DEVELOPMENT growth (PRAYER, MEDITATION, FORGIVENESS & GRATITUDE) you will be able to IMPROVE your own MENTAL & EMOTIONAL SPIRITUAL health to PROTECT yourself from NEGATIVE ENERGY VIBEZ and or RAISE UP ⬆️ your own energy levels from despair ➡️ to hope ➡️ to excitement about life! 

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 







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