The ANSWERS For All You Seek are In the SILENCE!

#SoulfulSunday #WordsofWisdom #TheBenefitsofMeditation #BESTILL #ConnecttoGodsWIFI - Beloved, Relax, Be Still, Connect to God & ALLOW the BLESSINGS, CREATIVITY, GUIDANCE, HEALTH, LOVE, PEACE, RESOURCES, WISDOM etc to FLOW to you! The ANSWERS for all you SEEK comes from the SILENCE but you refuse to go there!

🌻 Sis why are you always TOO BUSY to BE STILL with God! Why do you spend time for everything and everyone else but NO TIME TO RELAX with your CREATOR, the SOURCE of where all your blessings, resources, answers etc FLOW!

📕 Psalm 4:4 - MEDITATE within your HEART on your bed, and BE STILL.” 

The Hebrew translation for Being Still is to relax, let go, release, surrender, tune in to God.

🚨 The Creator, Infinite Intelligence, God Almighty, JAH, has instructed us via messengers on how we are to COMMUNICATE with him & Mother Nature for effective and optimal results and to avoid the WRATH of the governing laws and principles here on this earth!


GOD hears you SHOUTING but why are you NOT LISTENING to his RESPONSE

💢🔆 GUARD YOUR HEART. Note that your HEART is the STOREHOUSE aka WELLSPRING where blessings and curses flow! Are you GUARDING & ATTENDING to what EMOTIONS are residing in your HEART or you just allowing any and all LOW, NEGATIVE vibration frequency feelings to run rampant in your heart?

😢😫 Do you know that when you SIT & consistently WORRY you are meditating NEGATIVELY to God?

😊😆 Let’s learn to MEDITATE positively and effectively with God!

🧐 Why do we NOT PARTICIPATE in MEDITATION more often when the #BIBLE advises us to do so in order to OFFSET the negative emotions with positive emotions?

🧐 Why do we NOT PARTICIPATE in MEDITATION when there are GREAT #HEALTH BENEFITS such as reducing stress, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression etc 

🧐 Why do we NOT PARTICIPATE in MEDITATION when there are GREAT #SPIRITUAL BENEFITS to releasing bitterness, envy, hate, grudges, jealousy, unforgiveness, vengeance etc

🧐 Why do we NOT PARTICIPATE in MEDITATION when there are GREAT #EMOTIONAL & #MENTAL BENEFITS such as reviving gratitude, peace harmony etc and reducing fear, doubt & worry etc 

😡 Man’s MARKETING PLAN for our lives is limitation, sadness, sickness and stress!

💢🔆You will have to CHOOSE to go along with MAN’s marketing plan of LACK & LIMITATION for your life OR GOD’s plan for an ABUNDANT and FULFILLING life! 

💜 God is always waiting on you to seek his wisdom, knowledge and understanding!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 







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