Are You Planting SEEDS of Sabotage or Success?

#PlantSuccessSeeds - Beloved, YOU are the FARMER πŸ‘©‍🌾 of your GARDEN aka MIND so YOU are RESPONSIBLE for planting Seeds 🌱 of #SABOTAGE πŸ˜‘ or #SUCCESS 😊 in your mind daily and your REWARD is based on your own labor! πŸ“• 1 Corinthians 3:8 KJV πŸ’œ Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. 🌞Every single day when WE wake up we can CHOOSE to IMPROVE various AREAS of our LIFE by PLANTING πŸͺ΄ new seeds of SUCCESS to BLESS vs planting seeds of SABOTAGE to CURSE our lives! 😞 We lack the knowledge of who we are as SPIRITUAL beings and our magnetic 🧲 energetic relationship to the universe and how we are affected aka judged by it! However every single day we UNINTENTIONALLY create more unnecessary DESPAIR and SADNESS via our consistent #conscious and #subconscious limited or negative #thoughts #beliefs #feelings and #words aka MINDSET aka CONSCIOUSNESS! πŸ˜‘ You can choose today to PLANT 🌱 WORRY WEEDS in your Garden aka MIND about all the things that went wrong and keep seeing the same things show up in your life to worry about! πŸ˜† You can choose to PLANT 🌱 SEEDS OF SUCCESS in your GARDEN of YOUR MIND daily about the life you desire and see new and improved results in your health, marriage, relationships, money, projects etc. 🌲 Either way - the planted SEEDS will take ROOT and GROW and represent as your CROP or FRUITS of YOUR consciousness! 🌻As a FARMER of your GARDEN you are RESPONSIBLE to WEED out the hurtful memories of TRAUMA or LIMITED BELIEFS that are trapped and rooted in the cells of your heart and consciousness! 🌻As a FARMER of your GARDEN you are RESPONSIBLE to FERTILIZE & WATER πŸ’¦ your GARDEN of MIND with NEW positive and empowering affirmations and declarations about yourself and your life along with prayer, meditation, forgiveness and gratitude! God is waiting on you Beloved to plant good seeds for your life! Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ Donna Morton Morgan Spiritual Self Development & Mindset Coach #womenofkultureINC #innervibezconsulting #mindsetofchrist #kingdomsuccesscodez #spiritualselfdevelopment


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