
Showing posts from March, 2023

Learn To Believe BIG!

  #LearntoBELIEVEbig by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, Your JOB is to learn to “ BELIEVE BIG ” about your Life! You see If You “ BELIEVE” BIG or SMALL for your life aka Your #Health, #Marriage, #Relationships, #Business, #Money, aka your life experiences etc it Will Be Done Unto YOU! πŸ˜ƒ 😞 😳 You are the one holding up your Blessings with your LIMITED beliefs about you , your worth and what you deserve in life! πŸ“• It Is Done Unto YOU As You Believe! Matthew 8:13  πŸ”† We live on God’s Earth which is governed by LAWS and principles. These laws have no respect for age, gender, religion, race etc. Our job is to LEARN to abide by God’s Natural Laws of Nature.  The Laws & principles are not personal. Like the principles of gravity or electricity ⚡️are not personal and must be respected.  ❇️ The Law of Cause & Effect aka Karma is a very important Law and it ties to what you put out into the atmosphere you will get back! However and whatever you dominantly T...

Positive Thoughts plus Desire May Be The Missing Ingredients from Your Recipe of Life!

 #TransformationTuesday #SuccessRecipe #thoughtsanddesire - by Inner Vibez Consulting - Living life is like a mixing a cake πŸŽ‚ recipe. MISSING ingredients can throw off what is supposed to be a delicious, moist cake. When we are missing ingredients in our life then life shows up as DRY or HALF BAKED!  ✳️ Here is my DAILY DOSE OF SUCCESS RECIPE FOR LIFE that is recommended: πŸ”†BEGIN: Begin with CONSISTENT EMPOWERING THOUGHTS aka FOCUS on your desired goal(s). πŸ”†ADD: Add the EMOTIONS of DESIRE & GRATITUDE for the goal(s). πŸ”†MIX: Stir with FAITH, EXPECTATION & PREPARATION & MAINTENANCE of the goal.  πŸ“ You must do the daily INNER and OUTER work for self development, preparation & maintenance of skills for whatever your goals are: ✴️ SUCCESS translate differently for each person! Many people have SUCCESS THOUGHTS but no FUEL ⛽️ to ignite those thoughts! πŸ›‘ DESIRE is the electromagnetic power πŸ’₯ needed for PREPARATION & MAINTENANCE of the GOALS! Desire is th...

Learn, Improve SELF & Be Patient in the Wait!

  #MotivationMonday by Inner Vibez Consulting - PREPARATION for #EnlargingYourTerritory - Sometimes we want our # BLESSINGS now but most times we are NOT READY # emotionally, #mentally and or #spiritually to receive the BLESSINGS we ask for. We must do the INNER SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT work to PREPARE & PROTECT our selves for God to enlarge our territory!  πŸ“ Note that when we get the blessings without PREPARATION it can turn around and do us more harm than good.  Sometimes we are NOT READY to show appreciation for the blessings we ask for and it shows up as UNGRATEFULNESS, MURMUR & COMPLAINING! πŸ”†We get the SPOUSE or PARTNER then we complain to our friends about them! πŸ”† We get good HEALTH or HEALING but we complain about our body then eat, drink & engage in an unhealthy lifestyle!  πŸ”†We get the JOB then complain about the hours, coworkers or the boss! πŸ”† We get the MONEY and use it foolishly to buy things with little value with no knowledge of ...

Learn 2 Master The Spiritual Power of Your Mind & Heart!

#SoulfulSunday - Beloved, its Your Job to Master Your Spiritual  πŸ’₯  Power of your  HEART & MIND  to Improve Your Life!     The CREATOR has given us spiritual power via our MIND & HEART  πŸ’œ  to live in this metaphysical world! Your job is to learn about God’s NATURAL LAWS OF NATURE and how your mind and heart interact with these laws!  Application of this spiritual wisdom can bless your life in so many ways! πŸ“• Colossians 3:1-2 NIV - Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your  HEART  on things above, Set your  MIND  on things above ….. πŸ€”  What principles are you applying daily to SET your Heart & Mind on good & high quality things? Numerous times in the Bible we are told to guard, renew, cleanse and raise UP our Heart & Thoughts! The HEART is cited 826 times in the Bible. The MIND is cited 120 times in the Bible.  Why is the Heart & Mind so critical? They are the WELL...

Goodness & Mercy Follows Me!

Having a #SuccessMindset is a choice - Each day when we wake up we must CHOOSE to tune into a # LACK or # NEGATIVE mindset or tune into a # ABUNDANCE or # SUCCESS Mindset. You must REMIND yourself who and whose you are and which camp you belong to on a daily basis. It’s not automatic. It’s a choice that becomes a HABIT and a way of living!  πŸ’’ Based on your childhood programming, culture, trauma and life experiences you may need coaching to teach you how to tune into a success mindset and eventually embrace a new LANGUAGE for an abundant and fulfilling life! πŸ•‰ My favorite MANTRA is “Every Day In Every Way, Goodness & Mercy Follows me” Some days will be easy to slip into the success mindset but some days you will need a little convincing! It’s ok. Don’t beat yourself up. Acknowledge where your thoughts and emotions are and activate your SUPER POWERS of thoughts, emotions and imagination!  🌻 Before you OPEN your eyes start silently repeating a mantra that touches ...

Manage The Super Power of Your Mind & Heart!

  #KingdsomSuccessCodez #KeystotheKingdom #NaturalLawsofNature #LawsoftheUniverse #ThoughtsareEnergy #EmotionsareENERGY Managing Your THOUGHTS & EMOTIONS is Your SUPER POWER πŸ’₯  ✳️The man or woman that CANNOT MANAGE his or her #thoughts, #feelings, #words and #actions usually receive negative consequences in life until this lesson is learned if ever!  ✳️The man or woman that CAN MANAGE his or her #thoughts, #feelings, #words and #actions usually receive more positive rewards and less negative consequences in life and the lessons do not have to be repeated.  We were given the Keys πŸ”‘ to Kingdom but that info was hidden and twisted by Man’s Plan of Oppression .  In 325 AD, the First Council of Nicaea council of Christian bishops convened in the Bithynian city of Nicaea by the Roman Emperor Constantine . This ecumenical council was the first effort to build out the new Christianity. This council decided what information would be deleted or edited and what new i...