Positive Thoughts plus Desire May Be The Missing Ingredients from Your Recipe of Life!

 #TransformationTuesday #SuccessRecipe #thoughtsanddesire - by Inner Vibez Consulting - Living life is like a mixing a cake πŸŽ‚ recipe. MISSING ingredients can throw off what is supposed to be a delicious, moist cake. When we are missing ingredients in our life then life shows up as DRY or HALF BAKED! 

✳️ Here is my DAILY DOSE OF SUCCESS RECIPE FOR LIFE that is recommended:

πŸ”†BEGIN: Begin with CONSISTENT EMPOWERING THOUGHTS aka FOCUS on your desired goal(s).

πŸ”†ADD: Add the EMOTIONS of DESIRE & GRATITUDE for the goal(s).


πŸ“ You must do the daily INNER and OUTER work for self development, preparation & maintenance of skills for whatever your goals are:

✴️ SUCCESS translate differently for each person!

Many people have SUCCESS THOUGHTS but no FUEL ⛽️ to ignite those thoughts!

πŸ›‘ DESIRE is the electromagnetic power πŸ’₯ needed for PREPARATION & MAINTENANCE of the GOALS! Desire is the fuel ⛽️ 

If the DESIRE dwindles for whatever reason, we lose the POWER πŸ’₯ of keeping the goal.

πŸ’’Life happens and our focus change but if there is something that you want and not getting know that the LEVEL of DESIRE πŸ’₯ has dropped and or the FOCUS on the goal has dropped!

πŸ”† DESIRE πŸ’₯ is an emotion that we can’t hide from the infinite intelligence in the universe. This is how we DRAW our blessings to us.

To get back or recover the #business, #relationship, #money, #health, #project etc we have to reclaim DESIRE through purposeful mindful methods such as #gratitude, #prayer, #affirmations, #positive #selftalk, #coachingclasses, #meditation etc to REIGNITE the desire! 

πŸ“ This process takes COMMITMENT & DEDICATION for the rest of your life. It becomes a lifestyle. Majority of people are looking for a get rich quick process so they will only do this for a few days and complain that no change happened. 

πŸ†˜ The minute the DESIRE level drops in your marriage, relationships, business, career, friendship, projects etc you will experience it as being OFF or feeling BLOCKED then eventually GIVE UP! DESIRE is the power πŸ’₯ aka fuel ⛽️.

Know that you can do the work to RAISE the level back πŸ†™ Most people walk away and repeat the CYCLE because they don’t know  how to raise their desire level when it gets low! 

πŸ’•When you understand this principle you will realize what’s been going on in your life in MANY area and do the personal work to reclaim the blessings stored for you! 

God is always waiting on you! 

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan

Spiritual Self Development &

Mindset Coach 

Inner Vibez Consulting


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