Learn, Improve SELF & Be Patient in the Wait!


#MotivationMonday by Inner Vibez Consulting - PREPARATION for #EnlargingYourTerritory - Sometimes we want our #BLESSINGS now but most times we are NOT READY #emotionally, #mentally and or #spiritually to receive the BLESSINGS we ask for. We must do the INNER SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT work to PREPARE & PROTECT our selves for God to enlarge our territory! 

📝 Note that when we get the blessings without PREPARATION it can turn around and do us more harm than good. 

Sometimes we are NOT READY to show appreciation for the blessings we ask for and it shows up as UNGRATEFULNESS, MURMUR & COMPLAINING!

🔆We get the SPOUSE or PARTNER then we complain to our friends about them!

🔆 We get good HEALTH or HEALING but we complain about our body then eat, drink & engage in an unhealthy lifestyle! 

🔆We get the JOB then complain about the hours, coworkers or the boss!

🔆 We get the MONEY and use it foolishly to buy things with little value with no knowledge of investing! 

🔆We get the HOUSE then complain about cleaning or repairing the house!

🔆We get the CAR then complain about the gas or repairs.

Fyi God has a way of REMOVING the blessings from us because of an ungrateful heart! 

🌻 Your job is to focus on IMPROVING self on a trifold approach - emotionally, mentally and spiritually ALONG with improving the required skills and education needed for your career path! 

The delays usually mean we STILL need to work on something INTERNALLY!

What is being DELAYED? What was REMOVED?   Assess SELF!

💕 Be PATIENT during the wait. PRAY during the wait. MEDITATE during the wait. GIVE THANKS during the wait. Be GRATEFUL during the wait. FORGIVE during the wait. EXPECT your blessings during the wait. 

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset Coach


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