Forgiveness Releases Blocks!


#ElevateHER #ThePowerofFORGIVENESS by Inner Vibez Consulting - Many of us walk around at times feeling BLOCKED or out of FLOW in an area of life. #UNFORGIVENESS blocks your health, wealth & happiness. When we feel blocked, we should first look at SELF and not at others. Ask yourself who am I not forgiving? What negative energy do I need to release? 


Whatever he did. Whatever she did. Whatever you did. Forgive and release! 

πŸ”†You have to RELEASE this negative, destructive energy of UNFORGIVENESS that is interrupting your goodness and mercy from following you! 

πŸ’’When we HOLD ON to past hurt, trauma, pain etc we STORE it in our minds, heart & cells. 

πŸ’’This low, negative ENERGY when stored BLOCKS the flow and you FEEL off which has a rippling domino effect!

πŸ’’This low, negative ENERGY leads to depression, sickness and sadness!

πŸ’’This low, negative ENERGY can BLOCK the channels of God’s BLESSINGS to you!

❇️ FORGIVENESS IS FOR YOU! Begin right now to FORGIVE because they know not what they do. Ask for forgiveness for yourself! Practice a daily routine of forgiveness via silence or journaling and allow the flow of divine love, peace and harmony to reign in your mind, heart & soul again! 

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 








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