God Is With YOU Always!

Beloved, YOU are never far from the presence of the Creator, God, Infinite Intelligence, Source, Jah etc etc, You just believe that you are based on past teachings. Divine Presence is With YOU 24 x 7 Wherever You are. You Just Need To Go Into the SILENCE & Connect With That Presence of Love & Light 💡 daily!

🌻 Take a few minutes in your car, at home, at work, on your walk, waiting for appointments etc and just BE STILL and communicate with your Spiritual Partner. 

🚨 You see the CREATOR is the COACH and YOU are the PLAYER of life. The coach is always on the sidelines with the play book. The coach never gets in the game. Only the players are in the game!

😞 You have been waiting for God to play your game of life! IT’s TIME to personally connect with GOD your Spiritual Coach for guidance and direction to PLAY your game of life!

⭐️ Take time to BE STILL and get INTO ALIGNMENT with Divine Healing Energy.

🌟 Give THANKS for your many blessings.

⭐️ FORGIVE past traumas, hurt, pain, deception, rejection, losses etc.

⭐️ Saturate your heart and feel the flow of God’s Love surrounding you! 

⭐️ Ask Empowering QUESTIONS for your life.

⭐️ Learn to LOVE God with all of your MIND (thoughts), HEART (emotions) & SOUL (character).

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 







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