If You Seek GOD Then FEEL After Him In Your Mind & Heart!


Beloved, if you SEEK GOD’s PROTECTION, PROMOTION & PROVISION then you must FEEL after him in your HEART and MIND!

📕 Acts 17-27 That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might “FEEL” after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:

❇️God, aka Infinite Intelligence Creator, Lord, Holy Spirit, Source, Universe etc is ALWAYS NEAR because God is WITHIN. The longer you search for a God that is far away, the longer you will remain in bondage emotionally, financially, mentally, physically and or spiritually. 

🔱God is not in a building or on a mountain top. God is Spirit.

❇️Whatever you choose to call God does not matter. What matters is your understanding that the Creator is ALWAYS with you so learn to connect and align with the love of God so that you may have an abundant and fulfilling life! 

🌻 Your ROLE as a Child of God is to learn to FEEL after the mighty presence and spirit of God aka love, joy, peace and harmony!

🔆God is always available for free coaching sessions. The answers you seek about your life - business, career, health, family, personal relationships can be obtained through you seeking and feeling after him! 

🔆God is  is always available to reveal to you the plays for your life. God is SPIRIT so when you communicate and worship God you must worship in spirit and in truth with God via your mind and heart! 

💜 God is waiting on you  beloved to seek him in your mind and heart! 

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 








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