Take Courage & Increase Your Faith!


 #RaiseYourFaithLevel - Increasing #FAITH takes practice. Beloved, God is waiting on you to TAKE COURAGE & INCREASE your FAITH about the circumstances to HEAL your life. When you LEARN to INCREASE your FAITH about WHO & WHOSE you are you will be able to FREE yourself from the emotional, financial, mental and physical bondages of this world! 

πŸ’’The Master Teacher Jesus tells us repeatedly that it is our FAITH and our BELIEFS about the situation that is the conduit in this world to move our mountains. 

πŸ’’ When you BELIEVE LITTLE for your life then LITTLE will be given! When you learn to BELIEVE MUCH for your life then much will be given.

πŸ’’You see we were purposely taught a LIMITED version of SELF from childhood, environment, society etc so we really DONT KNOW who we are. We have no idea of our GOD GIVEN senses to navigate this world effectively so we wander in the wilderness for 40 years looking for a route to our solution to our problems. 

πŸ’’When our FAITH is LITTLE about who WE are ALIGNED with GOD, we walk in ANXIETY, DEPRESSION, DOUBT, ENVY FEAR, HOPELESSNESS, WORRY etc which is the THIEF in the night that ROBS you of your blessings! As our FAITH increases so will the results in our life!

πŸ’•ONLY YOU can do the daily SPIRITUAL INNER work to INCREASE Your FAITH so that you can HEAL and RESTORE the HEALTH of your your mind, body, soul, relationships, finances etc. 

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 








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