The Mind, Heart & Soul Relationship!


The #Mind #Heart #Soul Relationship by Inner Vibez Consulting - TRANSFORMATION is a daily spiritual process that begins ➡️ in the #MINDy. People REVERT back or backslide to their old ways because their MIND aka thoughts & HEART aka feelings did not truly change so their soul character didn’t change. 

πŸ’’ People struggle SECRETLY because they don’t understand the daily repetition process required for change. People like quick fixes so many REFUSE to do the daily INNER work required to change for whatever personal reasons.

πŸ’’TRANSFORMATION - replace the old self with the new self. The OLD limited or negative thoughts, beliefs, feelings and habits need to be UNLEARNED and NEW habits RELEARNED! This process can take years to correct unless something life threatening happens. We learned and adopted this limitation from childhood or trauma so it is embedded deep in our psyche. 

πŸ’’ YOUR SOUL CHARACTER always reflect your INNER dominant (positive and negative) THOUGHTS, BELIEFS & EMOTIONS! 

πŸ”† When WE do the daily Spiritual Development work and IMPROVE our THOUGHTS, EMOTIONS & BELIEFS about Self, our personal relationship with God, learn to appreciate life, love, family, community etc the SOUL character reflects as TRANSFORMATION and we REFLECT change in our words, habits and actions!

πŸ”† When you change at the SOUL character level YOU will THINK, BELIEVE, FEEL, SPEAK and ACT differently and more POSITIVELY! 

🌻 BE KIND TO YOURSELF and know that it’s a work in progress!

Love God with all your Mind, Heart & Soul! 

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 








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