There is Purpose Behind The Delays!


#ThePurposeBehindtheDelays - Beloved, the DELAYS mean either 1) we are NOT asking, 2) we are NOT ASKING PROPERLY or 3) we are ask with WRONG motives! 

✴️ Evaluation of SELF is always necessary in this journey called life. Corporations evaluate themselves quarterly to see what or how they need to improve their bottom line. This simple adjustment can make a big difference in your life results!


What is being DELAYED in your life? Write them down. Is it love, health, money, children, promotion, happiness etc 

πŸ’’Have you ASK GOD to intervene? You must ask on your behalf? 

πŸ’’How do you ASK GOD to intervene? Do you ask with Faith or with fear, doubt and worry?

πŸ’’What are your motives behind getting what you want?  Will you bless others or just self? 

✳️The DELAYS usually give us time to renew our MIND, cleanse our HEART & improve our SOUL CHARACTER. Take the delay as there is work to be done on self. This SOUL character work must be done and it will teach you how to INCREASE your FAITH

🌻 Understand that you have to build a DAILY personal relationship with your Spiritual Coach, God Almighty to get the daily directions and guidance from his playbook. 

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Self Development 

& Mindset Coach 








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