Breaking NEGATIVE Generational Cycles by Renewing The Mind!


BREAKING NEGATIVE GENERATIONAL CYCLES By RENEWING The MIND by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, If YOU don’t do the Spiritual Development work to BREAK NEGATIVE GENERATIONAL CYCLES, then your CHILDREN will have to fight those battles! 

✳️ Generational Cycles can be POSITIVE & NEGATIVE traits and is LEARNED BEHAVIOR of what we saw, heard or experienced as children! 

‼️If we learned POOR EATING HABITS, SELF CARE etc in the home then we will we operate from that programming and most likely pass that on to our own family recycling diseases 🦠 for generations to come! 

Most diseases are not caused by GENES 🧬 they are caused by POOR DIET & LACK OF EXERCISE

‼️If we learned NEGATIVE HABITS, WORDS, EMOTIONS, ACTIONS & DYSFUNCTION etc in the home then we will operate from that programming and we are HIGHLY likely to repeat and past it on to generations until someone does the INNER spiritual development work! 

‼️If we learned LACK & LIMITATION about LOVE, CARE, CONFIDENCE, EMOTIONS, TRUST, MONEY, OPPORTUNITIES, SUCCESS etc in the home then we will operate from that programming and we are HIGHLY likely to repeat and past it on to generations until someone does the INNER spiritual development work! 

⚜️We don’t UNDERSTAND that we are OPERATING in a world filled with Universal LAWS & Principles. Our BATTLES always begin in the MENTAL realm first. Changing from a LIMITED or NEGATIVE MINDSET programming is NOT automatic. We can’t simply do religious activities and hope for miracles. We LEARN by REPETITION of NEW EMPOWERING information. We will always REAP what we subconsciously SOW MENTALLY & EMOTIONALLY in our mind & heart!

⁉️THE NEGATIVE GENERATIONAL CYCLE will continue for generations until someone decides to do the SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT work to RENEW the CORRUPT MINDSET to set a NEW course for the family! 

πŸ’―LIFE MIRRORS NATURE! TO BREAK NEGATIVE GENERATIONAL CYCLES WE MUST PLANT🌱 NEW POSITIVE SEEDS to OVERRIDE the WEEDS in our MIND which have been affecting our CHOICES & HABITS which leads to SABOTAGE of our SUCCESS. Once this is accomplished we will begin to SEE new HARVEST in our life to match the NEW, IMPROVED & RENEWED mindset! 

πŸ’• God is waiting on YOU to BREAK the NEGATIVE GENERATIONAL CYCLES in your family by RENEWING YOUR MIND

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 

















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