Power UP Your Life With Miracle Mantras!


#SoulfulSunday - Power πŸ’₯ UP Your LIFE with Miracle Mantras by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved you can POWER UP your HEALTH, RELATIONSHIPS, HAPPINESS, CAREER, BUSINESS etc by injecting positive MANTRAS throughout the day! 

πŸ“• 1 Thessalonians 5:17- 19 - PRAY without ceasing, 18 in everything give GIVE THANKS; 19 Do not quench the Spirit. 

✴️ “Do Not Quench The Spirit” There is a mysterious mystical energetic power behind repeating spiritual and uplifting MANTRAS. A Mantra is a phrase or verse that we repeat silently or quietly throughout the day to empower our THOUGHTS, HEART & SOUL!

Studies suggest that humans have about 60k THOUGHTS per day and MAJORITY of these are  NEGATIVE limited, fearful, worry, stress thoughts. These types of consistent negative conscious and subconscious thoughts then trigger NEGATIVE EMOTIONS which then triggers diseases of the mind, body & soul character or actions! 

We hurt ourselves on SEVERAL LEVELS when we SOW & WATER NEGATIVE THOUGHTS & EMOTIONS daily! Incorporating MANTRAS is a great way to correct negative, stinking thinking which will IMPACT your life in many ways! 

πŸ•‰️ MANTRAS allows you to LOVE God with your mind, heart & soul daily!

πŸ•‰️ MANTRAS reminds you to connect to your source (GOD) and GIVE THANKS frequently!

πŸ•‰️ MANTRAS bring a form of inner strength and calming peace which stimulates the energetic cells of your body for healing results! 

πŸ•‰️  MANTRAS allows you to not only think on good things but also allows you to MAINTAIN (‼️not quenching the spirit) the FEELING of positive creative high energy vibrations which goes forth to BLESS your life in so many amazing ways! 

✅ Do you have a favorite mantra? I will share a few of my favorite mantras:

πŸ”†Goodness and Mercy Follows Me Daily!

πŸ”†I Am Excited About Life & Life is Excited About Me!

πŸ”†I Can Do All Things Through Christ!

πŸ”†I Am A Child of God Therefore I Am Perfect, Whole and Complete!

πŸ”†Divine health, wealth and happiness flows to me, my family, friends and communities near and far easily and effortlessly!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 





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