Teach The Children Mindfulness Early!


#RightThinking equals #RightActions by Inner Vibez Consulting - Teach The Children Right Thinking and Right Actions Will Follow: PARENTS, you have a ROLE to play in how your Child is showing up as a TEEN or ADULT in life!

♨️PARENTS teach their children DYSFUNCTIONAL behaviors then are surprised when their children are struggling repeatedly in life! They send them off to Sunday School and perform religious activities once a  week hoping that the child will learn to be a good human being while the other 6 days the child is living in chaos or dysfunction.

🍎 The FRUIT does not fall far from the TREE! 

📕 “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

✳️ What is your CHILD learning or what did your child learn by YOUR attitude, words, actions, work habits or interactions with others at home, in traffic etc?

✳️ Did they SEE or HEAR love, ambition, compassion, confidence, dedication, encouragement, kindness, motivation, respect, harmony, etc mostly?            


✳️ Did they SEE or HEAR abuse, complaining, confusion, disrespect, hatred, lack, put down, trauma, unkindness, lack of responsibility, sadness etc mostly?

‼️The CHILD will always grow up to MIRROR the primary LANGUAGE & MENTAL BEHAVIOR taught in the home as the PROGRAMMING! The now ADULT will have conscious mental work to do to RENEW THE LIMITED or NEGATIVE MINDSET learned from childhood!

🔆A CHILD that receives a more POSITIVE, LOVING, EMPOWERING PROGRAMMING at home will have a different life experience and results from a child that received more NEGATIVE, ABUSIVE, DYSFUNCTIONAL, programming! 

🔆 It’s never too late. Start TODAY by teaching your children by EXAMPLE how to PRAY, THINK positive thoughts and manage EMOTIONS via holistic approach not meds, drugs or alcohol and watch them FLOURISH in their lives! 

💜 Even if your children are now TEENS or ADULTS and you realize that you were all living in CHAOS or DYSFUNCTION you can help them by PRAYING over them, speak life over them, hold them in meditation and think good things about them, see them overcoming their obstacles and challenges, see them perfect, whole & complete, incorporate a forgiveness journal and ask forgiveness for yourself and your entire family! 

May Divine love and light 💡 follow you always! 

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 











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