Think On GOOD Things About Your Life!


#SpiritualTherapy #SpiritualSelfDevelopment #SpiritualKeystoSuccess #ThinkonGOODThings ⚜️by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved God is waiting on YOU to CONTINUALLY THINK on GOOD THINGS for your life vs you continually thinking about bills, poor health, unhappy relationships, past traumas, the backstabbing, life’s problems etc which is causing more foolishness to come your way!

✅ You see, Life is about RECIPROCATING with nature. Like a SEED You MUST first plant something aka SOW to GOD and his universal laws and principles and IN RETURN you will REAP what you planted! It’s not personal it’s law.

🌱 If you PLANT predominantly lack & foolish thoughts & emotions then more lack and foolishness will follow you!

🌱 If you PLANT predominant goodness & mercy thoughts and emotions then more goodness and mercy will follow you! 

📕 Philippians 4:8 - Finally, believers, whatever is TRUE, whatever is HONORABLE and worthy of RESPECT, whatever is RIGHT and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is PURE and WHOLESOME, whatever is LOVELY and brings PEACE, whatever is ADMIRABLE and of good repute; if there is any EXCELLENCE, if there is anything WORTHY of PRAISE, THINK CONTINUALLY  on these things [center your MIND on them, and implant them in your HEART]. Amplified Bible


💯You are a SPIRITUAL BEING living in a metaphysical world fighting spiritual world! It’s time you learn about your God given assigned SPIRITUAL gifts to BLESS vs CURSING your life!

🛑 ONLY YOU can do the SPIRITUAL growth & development work needed to ELEVATE you out of the DRY PLACES so that you can STOP WANDERING in the wilderness of BAD CHOICES & BAD RELATIONSHIPS!

✅Take few minutes daily throughout the day to THINK 🧐 on WONDERFUL & AMAZING things for the various areas of your life - HEALTH, MARRIAGE / PARTNERSHIP, CHILDREN, FRIENDS, BUSINESS, CAREER, LIFESTYLE, COMMUNITY OUTREACH etc 

🌱 What you SEE in the physical realm today can only be CHANGED when you learn and PRACTICE SOWING SEEDS OF SUCCESS in your MIND & HEART to CHANGE it. This is not a MAGICAL treatment this is a SPIRITUAL treatment! It takes TIME to build up FAITH & TRUST in your relationship and partnership with God, Infinite Intelligence.

May DIVINE Love and Light 💡 Follow You Always!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 











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