Vibez Don’t Lie But People Do!


#ElevatedMindsetSeries #VibezDontLie - People may lie to you but know that their VIBEZ will always reflect the inner self! We CANT HIDE from our #THOUGHTS. Our INNER THOUGHTS will always impact how we ➡️FEEL which will then impact the ➡️MOOD or ACTIONS we take in life!

⁉️ You want to really know how people feel about a situation? WATCH their ACTIONS on a regular basis! 

⁉️If you are a EMPLOYER and want to know how the Employee thinks & feels about his or her job, just begin to watch their MOOD or ACTIONS! 

⁉️If you are in a INTIMATE RELATIONSHIP or FRIENDSHIP and want to know how the other person thinks & feels about the relationship just begin to watch their MOOD or ACTIONS!

⁉️If you are in a PROJECT or BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP and want to know how the other person thinks & feels about the partnership just begin to watch their MOOD or ACTIONS!

⛔️ VIBEZ DONT LIE! People naturally ACT or create a MOOD based on how they truly THINK & FEEL consistently on a SUBCONSCIOUS level!

πŸ†˜Even if they started out with VIGOR in the early stages they will slowly reduce to match their dominant CONSCIOUSNESS about the situation!

πŸ†˜That’s why the phrase ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS ring true! 

πŸ›‘πŸ’’Have a conversation with your PARTNER, EMPLOYEE, FRIEND etc when you SENSE the disconnect. They will automatically deny the disconnect but you will ultimately know by their consistent actions or mood.

πŸ›‘πŸ’’Suggest an action plan to stimulate the experience if it still desired by both parties. 

πŸ›‘πŸ’’Know that you are only responsible for maintaining your VIBRATION and can’t take on management for someone else. They must do their own MINDSET & INNER CONSCIOUSNESS work to maintain the relationship!

May Divine Love & Light πŸ’‘ Follow You Always!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 











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