Your CUP Runneth Over Despite Your Enemies!


 #YourCupRunnethOver by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, When Your ENERGY is LOVE πŸ’• Your Cup Will Continue To OVERFLOW Even In The Midst of ENEMIES!

πŸ“• Psalms 23-5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil, my cup overflows. 

πŸ”†The Bible says we will have enemies amongst us but we don’t have to FEAR! When you have KNOWLEDGE of how to MANAGE your spiritual energy you can enter the LIONS DEN and not be affected!

❇️When our VIBRATIONAL ENERGY aka VIBEZ is consistently IN ALIGNMENT with positive, constructive aka God’s ENERGY of #love, #joy, #peace, #forgiveness, #kindness, #goodness, #faithfulness, #gentleness and #selfcontrol we are naturally rewarded with blessings, creativity, ideas, opportunities aka Favor to match those HIGH Frequency energy! 

‼️When we allow our VIBRATIONAL ENERGY to lower or GET OUT OF ALIGNMENT from God’s positive, constructive ENERGY to low, negative, destructive ENERGY of anger, doubt, fear, hate, jealousy, resentment, unforgiveness, worry etc the very Favor we had will disappear. We will lose our protection and our blessings will dry up UNTIL we move πŸ†™ from that LOW Frequency energy! 

❇️ So even though People may not like you because you don’t walk and talk like the masses, or because of your spiritual practices or just because you are you, don’t you worry. They are being judged DAILY accordingly to their own vibrational energy - low or high!

❇️MAINTAINING HIGH VIBRATIONAL ENERGY. Your job is to Keep PRACTICING your daily spiritual practices of LOVING GOD with your MIND, HEART & SOUL, representing as a FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT to stay IN ALIGNMENT with Divine Intelligence and Goodness & Mercy. 

πŸ’• May your CUP continue to OVERFLOW as you ALIGN with the SOURCE of all you need daily!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 











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