Your FEAR & WORRY Is Attracting FOOLISHNESS In Your Life!


Beloved, Stop Bringing FOOLISHNESS Into Your life! The Things You Greatly #FEAR & WORRY about such as Your #Health, #Business, #Career, #Children, #Partner, #Life etc Will Come Upon YOU until you Renew or Reprogram Your Limited, Negative, Stinking Thinking about it! 

πŸ“• Job 3-25: For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me, And what I dreaded has happened to me.

✴️ There are Laws & Principles on God’s Earth aka Laws of Nature aka Laws of the Universe that we will never fully understand but we must still be aware & RESPECT these laws or be judged accordingly! 

⛔️ We don’t quite understand how our #THOUGHTS & #EMOTIONS intertwine via vibrational frequency and dance in the universal atmosphere but over and over we find verses in the Bible that cautions us on GUARDING our HEARTS, to THINK on Good Things, Increasing our BELIEF SYSTEM & RENEWING the corrupt MIND. We think they are random verses but they are instrumental in our co-creation and living an abundant life on this earth realm.

⚠️ FEAR & WORRY is a POWERFUL NEGATIVE & DESTRUCTIVE EMOTION πŸ–€ that can cause HAVOC in the MIND, HEART, HEALTH & VIBRATION MAGNETIC ⚡️ ENERGY which transfer into our life experiences and results!

🧲 Like a magnet, the destructive NEGATIVE ENERGY of FEAR is transmitted from our THOUGHTS & HEART and somehow draws similar negative experiences and people in our lives! 

🧲 The more #WORRY & #FEAR is present and consistently focused on such as poor health, viruses🦠 job loss, negative attitudes & behavior in our children, negative attitudes & behavior in our marriage or relationships, lack of money etc, we DRAW more of these things to worry about to us! 

🧲 πŸ’• This magnetic principle also applies when deep #LOVE & #EXCITEMENT is present and consistently focused on via our thoughts and hearts! We draw more GOODNESS & MERCY when this vibrational frequency is consistently present! 

✴️ We can reject the foolishness and improve our DRY PLACES when we UNDERSTAND & RESPECT this ANCIENT WISDOM and learn to REDUCE anxiety, complaining, doubt, worry and fear and instead practice THINKING GOOD THINGS & FEELING GRATEFUL & EXPECTANT for our life, our family, health, career, business, money, lifestyle, community etc throughout the day and especially before sleep! 

May Divine Love & Light πŸ’‘ Follow you always!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 











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