Daily Renewal of The Mind!

 #SpiritualTherapy 🧰⚒️  #DailyRenewaloftheMind by Inner Vibez Consulting - God’s plan to PROSPER is always in place for us but we have to learn to ALIGN with the plans by renewing the corrupt mind & heart every single day!

📕 Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for YOU, declares the Lord, plans to PROSPER you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE.

💯Our job each day that we wake up is to ALIGN or PLUG 🔌 into God’s promises over our life. God’s plans are not faulty it’s our awareness and acceptance of his plans that are corrupt and faulty!

🧰⚒️ Every single day when we wake up we have to carve out a few minutes to RENEW the MIND about God’s plans for us! We have to remind ourselves that we are a Child of the most high. We have to remind ourselves DAILY that we are supported by God’s WRAP AROUND support in all our endeavors. We are Divinely supported emotionally, financially, mentally, physically and spiritually. 

🧰⚒️ Every single day when we wake up we have to carve out a few minutes to CLEANSE the HEART from negative and destructive emotions (doubt, fear, jealousy, resentment, unforgiveness, worry etc) that make us sick and holds our blessings at bay!

🧰⚒️ Every single day when we wake up we we must do the inner SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT work to remember who and whose we are! We must realize that the enemy is always on the prowl looking to distract us from being the best version of self and to discontinue doing God’s assignments. The enemy is always on the prowl looking to corrupt our thoughts and emotions about SELF so we must put the EMOTIONAL, MENTAL & SPIRITUAL armor each day! 

🌻 I encourage you to carve out some “God Time” daily to plug 🔌 into Gods goodness & mercy! Your life and family will thank you!

May Divine Love and Light 💡 Follow YOU always!

Namaste 🙏🏽 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 











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