She is BLESSED Because She Believes!


#SheisBLESSEDbecauseSheBELIEVES by Inner Vibez Consulting - Beloved, your #BLESSINGS may be DELAYED because your #BELIEF level about WHO & WHOSE you are is NOT HIGH enough yet! You don’t yet grasp the Divine partnership and support you have with God!

🌻 SHE is BLESSED when? ➡️ only when she BELIEVES that God will Bless her. 

πŸ“• Luke 1:45 - Blessed is SHE who has BELIEVED that the Lord would fulfill his PROMISES to her!

Majority of us BELIEVE in God but the ISSUE is many times WE don’t believe in the PROMISES and PLANS that God has for US! The lack of belief on the latter end DELAYS our blessings! 

FYI, you may BELIEVE HIGH ⬆️ in some areas of life yet LOW ⬇️ in other areas! 

God’s Divine PROMISES and prosperous PLANS are already FULFILLED and in place for us but most of the time we DONT TRULY BELIEVE deep down that the promises extend to us! Our very own LACK of BELIEF activates delay, blocks, sabotage etc 

‼️Because of the limited or negative information we learned about SELF from childhood, trauma, life experiences etc we may BELIEVE VERY LITTLE about what we deserve from life! So now as ADULTS we have to do the inner Spiritual Development work to learn to BELIEVE HIGHER about life!

⛔️The NEGATIVE or LIMITED BELIEFS will always DELAY us from SEEING or SEIZING God’s plan and promises for us even when it’s available UNTIL we INCREASE our FAITH & BELIEF!


πŸ”†God’s PROMISES are in place. However we are the ones that have to learn to get in ALIGNMENT by RAISING our BELIEFS about God’s PROMISES & PLANS for us having an abundant & fulfilling life!

πŸ’’POSITIVE CAUSE. When we are in a mood of LOVE, JOY, REJOICING, PRAISING, HOPE etc we are showing that our BELIEF LEVEL is HIGH about God’s promises over our life! 

πŸ˜ƒ POSITIVE EFFECTS. When we truly BELIEVE deep down in our consciousness that God will BLESS us in our trials and tribulations, we activate the blessings, strength and protection assigned to us!

🚫NEGATIVE CAUSES. When we are in a mood of COMPLAINING, FEAR, FRUSTRATION, WORRY etc we are showing that our BELIEF LEVEL is LOW about God’s promises over our life! When you catch yourself in this mood, go to work immediately on rebuking those thoughts!

πŸ˜” NEGATIVE EFFECTS. When we DONT BELIEVE in our consciousness that God will BLESS us in our challenges, trials and tribulations, we DELAY the blessings and thus we remain in the DRY places longer, sometimes repeating the same trials until we learn to increase our beliefs!

God is waiting on you to CLAIM YOUR BLESSINGS by increasing your BELIEFS!

May Divine Love & Light πŸ’‘ Follow you always!

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 











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