The I AM or I CANT Mindset!


 #SpiritualTherapy #TheIAMmindset or the #ICANTmindset Which MINDSET is Your MASTER by Inner Vibez Consulting 

πŸ“• Luke 16:13-15  “You cannot serve two masters at the same time. You will hate one master and love the other. Or you will be loyal to one and not care about the other.

πŸ”†The Bible has golden nuggets to guide us in our everyday life. We get so caught up in looking at the verses from a religious perspective vs a practical example of daily living that we miss key points about productive tips and guidance for life on earth! 

πŸ”°Each person has a MINDSET aka perspective aka expectation about life - positively (I AM) and negatively (I CANT) in different areas of life. Their mindset differs greatly depending on their ENVIRONMENT, FAMILY, FRIENDS, SUPPORT RELIGION etc stemming as far back as childhood. Add trauma, negative life experiences and you have a deep rooted perspective that becomes a stronghold which is passed on for generations!

πŸ”°The MINDSET could be POSITIVE in one or more areas but NEGATIVE in other areas. For example you can have a πŸ˜ƒ positive (I AM) perspective about love, health, marriage, relationships etc but have a 😞 negative (I CANT) perspective regarding money, business, career goals etc. Each person is struggling with different variations. 

πŸ’―We all are experiencing an I AM or I CANT MINDSET in one or multiple areas of our life.

πŸ†˜We can only SERVE 1 MASTER at a time in any given area of life!

✅The I AM MINDSET births DIVINE & CONSTRUCTIVE energy of confidence, ease, excitement, guidance, hope, healing, love, optimistic, strength and support in various areas of your life when the I AM (God presence) is the master! 

The I CANT MINDSET births WRETCHED & DESTRUCTIVE energy of anger, complaining, defeat, delay, envy, frustration, grudges, jealousy, pessimism, resentment, sadness, sickness, unforgiveness, worry, etc in various areas of your life when the I AM (God presence) is NOT the master!

πŸ˜ƒ THE I AM MINDSET. If we see an area or multiple areas in life that keeps showing up as PLENTY, SUPPORTED or POSITIVELY, we have to understand that we have developed an “I AM”MINDSET in that area. There is no more resistance there. Keep encouraging yourself and aligning with God.

😞 THE I CANT MINDSET. So if we see an area or areas of life that keeps showing up as LACK, LIMITATION or NEGATIVELY, we have to understand that we have developed an “I CANT” MINDSET in that area for what ever reason. We have to put time, commitment and application into thinking, believing and speaking life into those areas for it to BLOSSOM & THRIVE again.

🌻 THE DRY AREAS IN YOUR LIFE CAN BLOSSOM AGAIN. You can learn to switch to the I AM mindset. It takes time to RENEW the MIND. It requires a FEE aka daily practical adjustments in SHIFTING your mindset from I CANT to I AM via your daily thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and words about your life! 

⚜️FOCUS - focus on what you WANT not on what you don’t want in life!

⚜️EXPECT - expect good things, good people and good results in life as a child of God!

⚜️ENCOURAGEMENT - encourage yourself repeatedly throughout the day & give thanks that you are aligning with God & the Divine Mindset of I AM. 

Namaste πŸ™πŸ½ 

Donna Morton Morgan 

Spiritual Development 

& Mindset Coach 














#godismystrength  #consciousness #nextlevelmindset #godiswithme


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